Today was Shari’s last day in town, so I went to say goodbye to her.

Midge told me she had a fight with Hornsby, and she bought a gift to make up with him. She asked me to deliver it.

I took it over to Hornsby, and it was a kung-fu tee. Hornsby loved it, and he said he and Midge would be able to make up now. He gave me a globe for helping out.
Later on, Braxton from Nettle (aka Hedgy) came over to adopt Shari. I hope you enjoy having her, Hedgy! And I’m sure Shari will enjoy her new home!

Down on the beach, I caught my first horned hercules beetle! It took out my eye!

I’ve finally decided to move Tia’s house (again). I’m putting her house next to Lopez’s house, near the entrance of my “secret” path to the north beach. I didn’t originally think there was enough room here, but there was. I did trim the cliff above though, just so there was space to walk behind her house.

I never came up with a name for this street. I once toyed with the idea of calling it Rizzo Road, but I decided against that. But it will now have three residents, just like Apple Lane. These houses are closer together than the homes on Apple Lane, however.
Moving Tia’s house will give me more horizontal space on the west part of town where I make multiplayer games. Even though this won’t affect the frog race, I’ll be able to use the extra space for the next thing I have planned.
That’s all for today, but I’ll be back again with more soon. See you then! Never Stop Crossing!