Gullivarrr sent me a letter in the mail with a pirate’s hat attached. He signed the letter as “Dread Pirate Gullivarrr,” which is surely a reference to Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride. I took this picture wearing the pirate’s hat, standing on the pier, with these unusual clouds that I don’t think I’ve seen in the game before!

Louie asked me to catch a zebra turkeyfish for him, and I thought this might be my chance to get Louie’s photo. Unfortunately, it took me nearly 40 minutes to catch the fish! But once I finally had it, I rushed it over to Louie. In return, he gave me…a swimming cap!

I was not happy about it. So I used the aggravation reaction repeatedly to let him know.

Keaton told me he had been meditating, and he came up with a new nickname for me: Hashtag.

I shook a tree near Tybalt while he was fishing. Some wasps came out, so I wanted to speak with Tybalt before I got stung.

I tried to run behind him so that he would get stung instead (haha, I wish), but that didn’t work. Tybalt did run away from the area though (as I was getting stung), and he started fishing a bit further down the river instead.
There was a camper at the campsite today, and it was Tasha the snooty squirrel. She is a villager I’m not familiar with at all, and she certainly has a unique look to her. But I was not interested in taking her in, especially with a full town already.

Redd was in town, so I entered his ship/shop. Two of his paintings looked fake, and one was real but I already had it. The other was a statue that I haven’t seen before, the informative statue. That’s the one I bought.

I went diving and caught a scallop. I gave it to Pascal when he showed up. In return, he gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid wall clock.
The Bug-Off is coming up tomorrow! See you then.