New Clouds?

Gullivarrr sent me a letter in the mail with a pirate’s hat attached. He signed the letter as “Dread Pirate Gullivarrr,” which is surely a reference to Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride. I took this picture wearing the pirate’s hat, standing on the pier, with these unusual clouds that I don’t think I’ve seen in the game before!

Pirate Jeff stands on the pier under some unusual clouds in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Louie asked me to catch a zebra turkeyfish for him, and I thought this might be my chance to get Louie’s photo. Unfortunately, it took me nearly 40 minutes to catch the fish! But once I finally had it, I rushed it over to Louie. In return, he gave me…a swimming cap!

Louie: You helped me, so I'm helping you! here, you can have a swimming camp!

I was not happy about it. So I used the aggravation reaction repeatedly to let him know. 😛

Jeff shows Louie that he's aggravated.

Keaton told me he had been meditating, and he came up with a new nickname for me: Hashtag.

Keaton: Alright, brace yourself... It's hashtag! Pretty cool, right?

I shook a tree near Tybalt while he was fishing. Some wasps came out, so I wanted to speak with Tybalt before I got stung.


I tried to run behind him so that he would get stung instead (haha, I wish), but that didn’t work. Tybalt did run away from the area though (as I was getting stung), and he started fishing a bit further down the river instead. 😛

There was a camper at the campsite today, and it was Tasha the snooty squirrel. She is a villager I’m not familiar with at all, and she certainly has a unique look to her. But I was not interested in taking her in, especially with a full town already.

Tasha: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Tasha. How kind of you to stop by.

Redd was in town, so I entered his ship/shop. Two of his paintings looked fake, and one was real but I already had it. The other was a statue that I haven’t seen before, the informative statue. That’s the one I bought.

Redd: Yep, it's all there. Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of an informative statue!

I went diving and caught a scallop. I gave it to Pascal when he showed up. In return, he gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid wall clock.

The Bug-Off is coming up tomorrow! See you then. 🙂

10 thoughts on “New Clouds?”

  1. I’m glad you left Tasha behind, She is really rude, None of the snooty villagers in acnh are that great except for Judy

  2. Thouse clouds look really cool! They looked fake at first! I was wondering if it was something you added to your island as a surprise 😛

  3. Not sure if you read Instagram comments but I just recently spotted the same clouds this week and other players have reported the same. My guess is that they come with August and the change of weather. The long sunny summer days are almost over and more clouds appear. That’s at least what I think.

    Also, you got scammed by Redd! That’s the Rosetta Stone, seems like they chose to make the fake one blue because the Rosetta Stone language software uses a blue icon.

    1. Oh yeah forgot to mention, the Julian card worked, he’ll be replacing o hare tomorrow. Now the reason why I ordered Julian, was because the prices for Marshall and Raymond were ABSURD!! Plus I never had a horse, and julian has the Taurus bathtub which I want SO bad. Also for anyone willing to adopt o hare friend code is 7763-0830-3124 if you see [WUT] koopa, that’s me.

  4. Those clouds look amazing I’ve never seen that before either! The amount of detail in this game is ridiculous!

  5. Those clouds look awesome! Not sure if I’ve seen them before myself. Wasn’t sure how I felt about Tasha but the more I look at her the more I kind of like her unique design. Is there any villager you know you would say yes to if they were in your campsite?

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