I found some star fragments on the beach today, including two Leo fragments since we’re now in Leo season.
Gulliver was washed up on the shore today, so I helped him out by collecting his communicator pieces. He will send me my reward in the mail tomorrow.

Nook’s Cranny had a marimba (which looks like a xylophone) for sale, so I bought it and placed it near my airport. I’m sure my visitors will enjoy playing it as they arrive on my island.

In an example of villagers knowing too much, Keaton approached me and told me he knew about my wasp sting yesterday. He said he could relate, because he played a character called Wasp-Sting Victim #3 in a movie called Samba Vampire.

He said that was a movie that he filmed in his basement. That just struck me as odd for multiple reasons. For one thing, he doesn’t have a basement. And if he made the movie himself, why did he give himself such a small role? Why couldn’t he be Victim #1?
When I visited Rizzo, he told me how he used to be awful at crafting when he first started out. He tried to make a jackhammer, and it came out as a screwdriver. Ha. What a tool.

Lopez asked me to take a gift (a fishing vest) over to Tybalt, so I made the delivery. Tybalt thanked me and gave me his kids’ smock. I didn’t even know he had kids!

Pascal’s message for me today was about day and night getting along. He gave me another pearl in exchange for my scallop, which is always a bit disappointing.

I’ve been catching quite a few sharks lately, and I’m just hanging onto them for now. I’ll probably sell most of them when C.J. comes around again, but I put them in storage for now. It seems ridiculous that we can keep living creatures like sharks in our storage, and yet, we can’t do the same with flowers.
After I caught a jewel beetle on a tree stump by Nook’s Cranny, I heard my phone beeping. That was my 2,000th bug caught, and that earned me 2,000 Nook Miles.
Near the campsite, I made some minor layout changes. Between the campsite and the ramps, I had three trees that were right in the way. So I moved the trees, and extended the path west to both ramps.

That serves as a reminder that Forest is not “finished;” I’ll continue making changes to my island. In fact, that’s a big part of the fun of New Horizons. Once I acquire one particular D.I.Y. recipe, I’ll be completely re-doing one part of my island. But I have other changes in mind as well. And I’m already looking forward to Halloween season.
I will now forever think of Keaton as Tobias. If Tobias was a cool guy, though. I think the smug that fits him better is Graham, but it’s still a fun thought.
I can’t wait to get the dream address of Forest. I don’t think I will be able to make it to a FNF any time soon because we’re not friends but also because I don’t have Twitter and don’t find out about these things but in your blog. However, I’d really like to get to walk around your island. The update seems that it’ll release tomorrow night, as it has been the case with the last two major updates (coming out the night before the mentioned day), so I hope you’re willing to share us the code as soon as you get it, I’m really curious about how your house looks, since you don’t really show many pictures of it.
Yes, I’ll be sharing my dream address as soon as I get it. (But Twitter will probably be the first place I post it). My house is really underwhelming, so don’t get your hopes up, haha. It’s messy, random, and it doesn’t look nearly as nice as the outdoors.
Earlier while I was playing coffee simulator(the roost in New leaf( tybalt was one of the customers along with Apple, static and agent S! That was very odd. I took it to mean I’m most likely getting static because the game keeps making crankys camp. Looking at you, Rocco! Also, valdimir.
I wish we could store flowers in our storage!! It would be so convenient!
I want the palm tree lamp DIY so badly!
Also, another storage annoyance is not being able to store turnips! Why? You could in other games so why not here?
Jeff did you hear about the new update? It adds the dream suite, fireworks show, and island save backup feature!
Woah are you serious?! I thought it was a hoax, but if the dream suite returns I’ll be so happy.
I sure did! This will be the best update yet.
Yesterday, I unlocked every reaction! I finally got the ‘ Love’ reaction which surprised me because I have to be best friends with a snooty villager and my snooty villager (francine) isnt close because I still can’t change her catchphrase! Nothing special happened after that. I think I saw the shrunk funk shuffle but I can’t find it on the internet. Also, what is the recipe you want? I really want the plain wooden shop sign
Congrats on unlocking all the reactions! I don’t want to say which recipe I want, because I just want to get it on my own. Hopefully I’ll get it one of these days, though.