Yesterday, Gulliver sent me my latest reward for helping him out. It was a sombrero. That’s better than the pigtail he sent me last time, but I’m just getting disappointed that so many of his items are hats or accessories instead of furniture. In the older games, he gave out nothing but exclusive furniture.

Today, I saw a bug on a tree that looked different. So I got my net out and caught my first cicada shell!

I went diving to find a scallop, and Pascal had these words of wisdom about flowers. This is one of his better sayings in New Horizons, in my opinion.

But unfortunately, he only gave me another pearl for the scallop.
Nintendo announced that the latest summer update will be released July 30th, which is tomorrow. (But it’s actually available early…as in right now!) Watch this if you haven’t seen it yet:
Dreaming is returning! Even though Luna doesn’t have her own building (the Dream Suite) this time, we’ll still be able to upload our islands and visit dream versions of other towns, like we could in New Leaf. I’ve placed a frog costume in my town, so that dreamers can dress as frogs while hopping across the frog race course.
I downloaded the update tonight, which is version 1.4.0. I had two new letters my mailbox: The first one was from Nintendo, thanking me for downloading the update. A fireworks-show wall was attached. This is what it looks like:

The other letter was from Luna, telling me about the dreaming. All we have to do is lie in a bed to start the process. She attached Luna’s bed to the letter, so you’ll be all set even if you didn’t have a bed already.
One word of warning though: The game warns that the information in your town…including bulletin board posts…will be shared with visitors. Bulletin board posts were not shared in New Leaf, so it may be something to keep in mind if you (or a family member) posts anything personal that you don’t want the world to see.

Another great feature is that the photo app now allows you to turn off the HUD (heads-up display) guide when taking photos and videos! No glitch required! Finally! Just press the R stick to turn it on or off.
After Nintendo’s maintenance period ended, I uploaded my dream! My dream address is 6717-1633-3682. Check it out!

Louie asked me to make a delivery to Hornsby, so I agreed to help out. The item was a rugby shirt, which Hornsby wasn’t sure about at first. But once he tried it on, he seemed to like it. For helping out, he gave me a tube top…the same item he gave me on Sunday!
Enjoy the update, and I hope you enjoy your dream visits to Forest! Forest looks better in the daylight, so I’ll update it again soon with a daytime version. See you next time!