Late last night, I tested out the dreaming function for myself. I visited Daniel’s town of Outset at dream address 6987-5499-2084. It’s a beautiful town with lots of flowers, great scenery, and a really good lineup of villagers (including some of my favorites like Savannah, Butch, and Drago).

Daniel also has some great rooms, and I particularly loved this space arcade. The stars on the wallpaper move, as if the arcade was inside a really fast-moving spaceship.

As for my own dream island, I actually got a violation from Nintendo! I had previously set my blog address as the comment on my passport…and in dreams, that comment shows up as something your character says. So Nintendo deleted my dream and gave me a warning!
So be careful about using your blog, site, or social media on your passport or bulletin board! I don’t know if someone actually reported my town, or if Nintendo detected the address automatically, but beware!
I changed my comment and re-uploaded my dream once the new day began. Fortunately, I still have the same dream address.
Later on this evening, I checked my mail. I had a letter from Luna, and she sent me a “Dream Bell exchange ticket.” At first, I was wondering if this opened up something new…but apparently not. It can be sold for 5,000 bells, and it’s basically your “reward” for uploading your dream (or perhaps for having a dream visitor?). This is is basically the same as Luna giving you 5,000 bells for updating your dream in New Leaf. You just have to wait until the next day to get it.
C.J. was in town today, and I easily completed his challenge of catching any five fish in a row. I then grabbed most of my sharks from storage, and sold a bunch of fish to C.J.; he gave me nearly 135k for everything.

Celeste showed up tonight, and she gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a Leo sculpture. I made one, and it’s a wall-mounted item.

Additional Thoughts on Dreaming
As someone who loved the Dream Suite feature in New Leaf, it’s only natural for me to compare the dreaming in New Horizons to the dreaming in New Leaf. And here are some differences I’ve noticed:
- You can view bulletin board posts left by town residents in New Horizons (but you couldn’t in New Leaf). On one hand, you’ll want to be careful about what you post. But used correctly, this can be a very helpful tool to explain things to dreamers, or let them know what to look for.
- Dreamers do not change into pajamas in dreams. They wear whatever clothes they already had on.
- You can not search for dream towns by town or name.
- You can not visit random towns. You need the dream address.
- Lloid is not present to allow dreamers to borrow tools. So if your town requires ladders or vaulting poles, you’ll need to leave them out in town somewhere.
- You can’t see your dreamer count or latest dreamer in-game. But apparently, you can see them by using the Nintendo Switch Online app. I don’t see why a smartphone should be required to access this information, when New Leaf showed it in-game…but that’s how Nintendo works these days.
Dreaming is a great feature and an excellent addition to the game. But when you compare it to the Dream Suite in New Leaf, the ACNH dreaming system seems rushed and unfinished. Perhaps it will be improved in future updates, but it could be argued that they should have waited another month or two (until the autumn update) to do it right. What do you think?
I’ll be back tomorrow with another entry. But FYI, there will be no Friday Night Forest this week. It should return next week, though.
If you want to visit my island, here’s the address:
It’s a WIP and a 3 star island. My villagers are in the middle: some popular (e.g. Chrissy and Mira), while some others are unpopular (e.g. Ike, my 2nd favourite villager, and my favourite villager and birthday buddy Derwin). Hopefully you’ll enjoy exploring my island!
Yeah the dream suite seems incomplete. It just seems like the charm was drained from it. I really hope the roost comes back. Like maybe they could have k.k. be in there like in cf and ww. And maybe villagers can sing there like in hhd. Plus your character could as well. You could even choose the animals, no card need. And maybe you could set dreamers on there so the game can spawn them for you. This probably won’t happen because Nintendo sure loves the nintedo switch online app aka Nintendo’s worst thing for people trying their best to like nh.
Hi I visited your dream town earlier! It was really cool and I loved visiting it!
Hi, and thanks for dreaming of Forest! I’m glad you enjoyed your visit.
Yes it was so much fun!
If you’re looking for more dream islands to visit, here’s my Dream Address:
Despite the kind of barebones system this dream suite has, I still really love that the feature came back since towns in New Horizons can now be so drastically different from one another and it’s interesting to see what people come up with!
Whenever I want to visit random islands, I just go to Twitter and search there. Still kinda sucky that that is not something you can do in-game.
heres my dream code
Animals are immune to them online. I know because my friend tried to pitfall quillson once. He was in his idle pose. In dreams somehow they are not even thought it’s still online.
Yeah, taking out the search function really is odd. And the developers probably noticed story towns were huge in New Leaf so maybe they took out Lloid just in case people were skipping them with vaulting poles and ladders, but then again, they could just not display that tools but I don’t know.
Nonetheless, I actually really prefer dreaming in New Horizons over New Leaf. For me personally, dreaming got repetitive in New Leaf because everyone’s town didn’t have much variety in customisation – with the true customisation being shown in houses. But with loads of customisation opportunities for your island (with less for houses) in New Horizons I feel dreaming just works more, it genuinely feels as though you are visiting completely different islands making dreaming feel beneficial. I guess for me personally it’s another case of New Leaf having more content but New Horizons executing it in a much better way. This seems to be a trend.
Yes, that’s a really good point. New Horizons islands are definitely going to be more unique than New Leaf towns. The dreaming system may need some fine-tuning, but it’s a great feature that opens up SO much for us to see a variety of islands.
A few things. First, I got my 6th villager photo from jay. Second, I have been a regular commenter on your blogs and I really want you to visit my island. I think you will like it, but it is not finished and if you do visit it, I dont know how quickly I can add the tools. And if you really like it, can you put it in a video. My address is 3540 9731 2020. Also when I came to your island, Midge and Tia both said their worst secret is that they are huge slobs, and apples catchphrase made it sound like she had some juicy dust in her house
Congrats on getting Jay’s photo! I haven’t done much dreaming yet (though I am already getting bombarded with dream addresses across social media, Youtube, etc.). I will start visiting some of them soon.
I’m with you. Really bummed your blog address was taken down, especially because people that stumble upon your dream address likely follow your content already. I guess it’s to prevent people from linking suspicious webpages, but there’s a difference with sharing an instagram/twitter handle and a shady or 18+ website.
That being said, I spent a good amount of time last night travelling in my dreams. I like wandering around in pajamas better, it makes you feel more like you’re actually sleeping, especially if you’re barefoot. So that’s what I did last night. After visiting Forest, I found the dream address to the new Aika village (made by the same person) and thought wearing my daily outfit would just simply not fit. I originally bought some PJs from Ables but remembered that Olivia gifted me a night shirt the past week. I love it, makes me feel like I’m inside a Peter Pan adventure or that I’m Scrooge. There’s just something about not wearing pants in a dream that makes you feel free. :p
I visited Forest again today, I was wondering what it looks like in the morning. I’m glad you provided us a ladder. I did not take any pictures this time, but I found Tybalt up there and everybody seemed to be wandering around weird spots. I spent wayyy too much time trying to push Rizzo into a pitfall, but I didn’t find any. Are they immune to pitfalls in dreams? I also haven’t been able to get a net in a dream, so I’m also wondering if they react to getting hit. I was hoping to get some good hits on that pesky rat.
I’m wondering, are you going to take requests to visit dream islands? As much as I’d like you to visit mine, I’m mostly referring to popular or themed islands. Your dream adventures in New Leaf were really fun and there’s a lot more to work with in a dream now. I’ve come to terms that Lloid no longer provides tools because some islands may follow a story or a maze and getting an axe or a shovel or a ladder that early could ruin the experience. Still, I’d like to have a way to ‘give’ Luna some items you’re carrying for your dream, I’ve always found the whole thing about having to drop them around town annoying. I was fairly confident Lloid was gonna work as some kind of chest until the trailer dropped and he wasn’t there.
I hope you’re having fun! I can’t say I’m happy with these updates, but the latest datamines have found some interesting features they’re working on that might be ready as soon as Fall. I’m really excited to see something new like this (and not another NL feature that should’ve been here since the beginning). I’d like to see gyroids and Brewster first, though.
First, I just want to point out that your comment wasn’t lost, it just got caught in the spam filter. Once I logged in, I approved the comment. That happens sometimes, no big deal. Just a bit of a delay.
I did still put two pitfalls in town, but they were in different locations from the first time (one was behind the neon sign). I don’t think animals are immune to pits, because someone told me they pushed Apple into one.
I’m leaning towards videos of dream towns instead of blog-entry style posts like I had with Dream Suite Adventures. Obviously some towns will be enough to base an entire video on, but I’m also considering multi-town highlights as well. For example, one video might show some of my favorite areas from 5-10 different towns (with the dream addresses in the corner, of course). That would allow me to show more people’s towns, although they wouldn’t be in-depth. I’m still not 100% decided on the format though.
That’s a good point about making a maze that requires tools, like the May Day maze that Nintendo made. One possible solution could be to include Lloid (or a tool box) and let the town owner choose which tools were available to dreamers. Best of both worlds.
I’m glad dreaming is available, but it certainly has some room for improvement. Thanks for the comment!
Yeah, I hate that you can’t visit random towns via the Dream Suite. I’m guessing that they will eventually put the New Leaf searching feature via new updates (kinda how they updated the Design Kiosk)
P.S: feel free to visit Pawnee anytime soon Jeff! Here is the DA: 7599-5975-7459