Today was my character’s birthday, and Agent S appeared outside my house to kidnap me. I ended up at her house, where she, Keaton, and Hornsby wished me a happy birthday.

Spoiler warning. If you haven’t experienced your birthday in New Horizons yet, and you want everything to be a surprise, you may want to skip today’s blog entry. Otherwise, feel free to continue.
Agent S told me to make a wish and blow out my birthday candles, so I did. She gave a present from the three of them; it was some party flooring. Next, I was given a stick and told to beat up a pinata! I whacked it repeatedly, and eventually cupcakes fell out!

There were ten of them; I ate one and held on to the rest.
I returned home and checked my mail. Mom sent me a birthday letter, with “Mom’s homemade cake” attached. I realized Nook’s Cranny was about to close, so I rushed there. Just before getting kicked out, I was able to buy the throwback rocket and colorful wheel. This version of the wheel resembles the wheel in Desert Island Escape.

At the plaza, I was quite surprised to see K.K. Slider here! I was wondering why they keep bouncing him around from Saturday to Sunday to Friday. And then I realized he was here because of my birthday. So he performed K.K. Birthday for me (and Tybalt). But the weird part is that birthday letters appeared on-screen as he sang!

These were not letters I received in the mail, so it’s a bit confusing as to why they’re popping up in the air as K.K. sang. But I had “letters” from Agent S, Rizzo, Blathers, and Orville. It was nice, I just don’t understand it.
There was a tent at the campsite, and I was wondering if I would have a great camper to adopt. But instead, I found Tiffany inside.

She was wearing a tuxedo dress, which seems like a weird article of clothing on its own…and an even weirder thing to wear while camping.
I went around town, offering cupcakes to my villagers. They would typically give me a birthday present in return.

Here’s a list of what they gave:
- Louie: birthday cake
- Lopez: birthday table
- Tia: birthday hat
- Keaton: birthday sign
- Midge: birthday shades
- Hornsby: birthday candles
- Apple: party wall
- Rizzo: cycling shirt
Leave it to Rizzo to break up the birthday gift trend. I couldn’t give one to Tybalt or Agent S because they were sitting down (Tybalt at K.K.’s show, Agent S in the chair by her house).
But I had a good time overall. The pinata and cupcakes were a surprise to me, and it’s nice to get these birthday items. I’ll keep them in storage.

Have a good night, everyone! I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow, so I’ll see you then!
Were just here to say Happy Birthday… 24 hours to celebrate… We can dance… we can party… Candles up on your cake… Know that its your birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday ! I hope you had a blast in game and irl :))
I’ve had incredible luck on my campsite. My previous 2 were molly then marina!
Happy belated birthday Jeff!!
Happy late birthday, Jeff! I really loved how ACNH handled birthdays, especially with K.K. Sliders and letters from your friends and villagers!
Happy birthday!
Happy belated birthday Jeff! Love your content, please keep it up

My birthday’s tomorrow and T..I.Y opens tomorrow which is crazy. I hope fang comes I even found his bag which Hippeux called cute
plus his house is surrounded by blue pansies which I spent 1 week trying to breed.(and creating other colors) Celia probably will come no question And the last one Gayle or curly maybe Hippeux or pudge.
Happy birthday!
Happy late birthday!!
Hey Jeff! Happy birthday! I know you are probably being bombarded with dream addresses, but mine is 3971-8384-2667. I have lots of flowers lining my paths, and my town is pretty easy to get around. Anyway, I hope you had a great Birthday
Happy non-birthday! If it’s not personal, why don’t you like to use your real birthday in-game? I was really excited when it was my birthday but I guess it’s because nobody really cares much about it in real life, so having my virtual friends celebrate with me was a nice change. Here’s what I learned about birthdays in ACNH the last month:
—Seems like the cupcake number is random, you got lucky. I got like six or so, so I had to carefully choose who would get a bite.
—They will only gift you birthday related items if they consider you your friends. The week of my birthday I had new villagers and they all didn’t give me anything birthday related. So this means Rizzo probably dislikes you too. :p
—The letters are there because K.K. asks players to write them. If nobody went a Saturday to write you a birthday letter then it seems animals send some. You will get them in the mail tomorrow I believe, they’re just kept there until the birthday reveal so you can get your birthday wishes with the birthday song. Honestly it’s endearing, I watched K.K. sing in the living room with my family and got to read the thoughts my friends wrote to me. I do kind of wish you could still type in a birthday wish, but I guess keeping it to yourself is more personal.
Also, this likely means, as you may already know from previous games, that these three are the ones that consider themselves to be closer to you. I don’t know if it’s a peppy thing to host because Flora hosted my party, but you’re probably gonna get Agent S. or Hornsby’s picture soon!
Happy late birthday.
On one of my alt files it was my ‘birthday‘, and about two weeks before K.K. reminded me on my main file that it was the alt file’s birthday and asked me to write a birthday message for the alt file – which later appeared with the rest of the letters in K.K.’s concert. It was one of the cutest things I had ever witnessed in Animal Crossing because K.K. was literally, truly planning a special birthday instead of a song a week before like in New Leaf.
Also, you got pretty lucky with birthday items. My 2nd character had his birthday in june and didnt get any birthday items ( excluding the party present). Its probably because my villagers arent very good friends with him. Hopefully on mine, I get lots of birthday items and my favourite villager, Cube does my party
Not to be rude or stalkerish, but when was your birthday
Did if happen to be your Irl birthday? Is so happy birthday! If not I look like a fool
Not exactly, but it was recently. So thank you.
Also Today I was talking to Shari and she said she left a leg warmer at her old place. So if you by any chance find Sharis leg warmer mail it to her
Also I understand if you don’t want to but here’s my dream address- 5908-5384-3334