When I went diving this evening, I caught my first flatworm. This is the start of a new month, so there are new things to catch (and donate to the museum). But this was the only new thing I caught today.

Nook Shopping has three new seasonal items available for August: This rodeo-style springy ride-on (for Brazil’s cowboy festival), the Hikoboshi outfit, and the Orihime outfit (for Cowherd & Weaver Girl Day in Asia). Grab them while you can!

When I chatted with Tybalt, he apologized for “forgetting” my birthday yesterday. He said he was busy doing backflips all day…

But the truth is that he was seated at K.K.’s show yesterday. And that decision cost him a yummy cupcake. 🧁
Speaking of K.K. Slider, he had a stool set up at the plaza for the 2nd day in a row. I joined Apple, Agent S, and Rizzo for a performance of K.K. Jazz.
Now that dreaming is in full-swing, I decided it was time for me to redecorate my house. I moved my bathroom stuff out of the upstairs and into one of the side rooms. And I turned my upstairs into a space/sci-fi room, at least for now.

Except for the gym/exercise room, I made changes to every room in my house. Some rooms still feel incomplete, but I think my house looks much better overall. I plan on uploading a new version of my dream town on Sunday afternoon (if it’s sunny), so check it out tomorrow if you’d like.
I went diving again tonight, until I found a scallop. Pascal showed up with some interesting thoughts about roosters.

He gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid closet in exchange for the scallop. 👍
If you’d like to see Vandy323 on Youtube check out my dream town, watch this video. He visits a few dream towns, but mine is the first one. He was not familiar with me or my town when he visited, so he didn’t realize what everything was… and I laughed at his reaction when he realized my obstacle course was basically Frogger. 😂
He said that people usually make their basements their coolest rooms, so he saved it for last…and then he walked into my basement, which was basically empty. 😂 In fact, that is kinda what inspired me to finally redecorate my house. 😛
Anyway, the fireworks festival is tomorrow night. And I might be opening my gate at some point… I’m not sure of the time yet, though. It may be somewhere around 9 p.m. Eastern time (U.S.), but that’s not a sure thing. If you’re on my roster, I recommend checking my Twitter tomorrow night for more exact info.
See you tomorrow! Never Stop Crossing!