Midge was talking about her yard today, saying she likes to keep it nice. I’ve actually helped her out by adding more pink cosmos along the paths near her house in the past week or so.

While I was out banging rocks today, I came across a gold nugget. When I picked it up, I learned a new D.I.Y. recipe for a King Tut mask.

It requires five gold nuggets, so I got them out of storage and made the mask right away. I ran with it, and fell after just a few steps. I kept running past Apple and Louie, falling multiple times. I couldn’t run more than a few feet in this thing! I know the mask has always been cursed, but the fall rate seems to be much higher in New Horizons compared to previous games.

When I spoke to Apple a moment later, she gave me some free moccasin boots. The interesting part is that she called herself my fashion godmother!

Keaton had a treasure hunt for me, but he warned me that it would be tougher than usual. That was true, because he only gave me three minutes to find the buried item, instead of the usual six.

After I fell (because of the King Tut mask), I knew I had to remove it. With my time already being limited, I couldn’t afford to keep falling on the ground. But still, it only took me about a minute and 20 seconds to find it! It was buried next to Rizzo’s house, on the path leading to the stairs by Rainbow Road.

I took it back to Keaton, and he opened it up for me. There was a garden tank inside.
I spent some time diving, filling up my pockets with sea creatures three times. But I didn’t find a single scallop in all that time. So no Pascal today.
I posted my fireworks festival highlights video this morning, as Wi-Fi Moments #9. If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is.
Have a great day, and I’ll see you all next time!
Also earlier in New leaf I was jamming to k.k. groove, then fang comes into my house out of nowhere! It scared me so bad I’m still recovering from the shock.
Wow i didn’t even know that king tut makes you trip like it did before. I wonder if Katrina will return so you can remove it for free in the tent.
I had the King Tut mask on and I had a balloon on my hand. I was running around when I tripped and fell and my balloon flew away!