He Stole

Jolly Redd was in town today, so of course I checked out the art that he had for sale. While I don’t look at art guides to find the answers, I do consult my own screenshots I’ve taken of the art I’ve previously encountered. The famous painting that Redd had today looked the same as a fake I previously bought. Two other paintings he had, I wasn’t sure about. However, I felt good about this ancient statue.

Redd: Can't get that one out of your mind? I know just what that's like. But I say why get it out of your mind at all?

I’ve seen a different ancient statue before, and it had glowing eyes. I’m fairly sure that’s a fake. This one didn’t have glowing eyes, so I think it’s probably real. Please note that I’m not looking for any external help on these, I’m just explaining my own process.

As I was walking along my cliffs tonight, a ghost came out from around a corner. I was not expecting to see Wisp, and it actually scared me for a second! πŸ˜›

Wisp comes around the corner and scares me!

I collected his spirits for him, and in return, he gave me a lawn chair. Just one minute later, Keaton noticed my lawn chair and wanted to buy it. I sold it for 247 bells. So all that work searching all over town for Wisp’s spirits resulted in me scoring fewer bells than shaking one native fruit tree.

While I was near Sudden Valley, I decided to add a new attraction. It’s loosely based on a gag in Arrested Development. Technically, it should be a “severed” prosthetic hand, but Animal Crossing doesn’t exactly have one of those. So I put a skeleton in jail bars, along with a sign that says “he stole.”

A skeleton behind jail bars, with a sign that says HE STOLE.

The skeleton was previously in my house, but I didn’t need it after I remodeled. So I found a good use for him. πŸ˜›

While fishing in the river, I caught my first soft-shelled turtle. And of course, I donated it to the museum.

I caught a soft-shelled turtle! It's more sensitive than other turtles.

It also earned me 2,000 Nook Miles for being my 60th “fish.”

I then jumped off of Eagle Mountain and went diving for sea creatures. Unlike yesterday, I had no trouble finding Pascal today. I found a scallop on just my 4th dive of the day. Pascal was talking about asking trees what their five-year plans are.

Pascal: Nobody ever asks a tree what its five-year plan is, maaan. Maybe that's why they can grow so tall.

He gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid table. I also earned 1,000 Nook Miles for giving him a scallop for the 20th time.

Hornsby asked about moving out today, but I told him to stay.

I know I haven’t done much dreaming yet (only one town that first night to try it out), but I plan on doing more very soon! See you all next time.

8 thoughts on “He Stole”

  1. Your process for finding real paintings is very interesting and seems quite fun! Maybe I should try it…

    If you need dream addresses in the future, I’ll gladly hand over mine!

  2. Just a Fact, after 15 days of your last animal moving out someone will ask to leave. Then a week after someone asks to leave and you say no someone will ask again.

  3. When Gullivarr eventually gives you some pirate furniture, you should try making a small corner for Lucille’s trial bar. I’m thinking of placing an arrested Development gag too, but nothing has occurred to me yet. I still have the banana stand uniform hanging in my Ables, in hope one of my villagers decides to wear it someday. If they do, I’m definitely putting a banana stand.

  4. I just caught my first soft shelled turtle yesterday and I was so happy, I love them sooo much!! Try placing one down it’s really funny!

  5. Curly also tried to leave my town. He doesn’t understand he’s the only person in my town that doesn’t give me things I don’t need minus bangle. Plus I was lucky to get him as a starter.

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