Where’s Waldo?

I found Gulliver on the beach today, so I dug up the five pieces of his communicator for him. He’ll be sending me a reward in the mail. I’m hoping it’s not an accessory this time; give me some furniture please!

Here’s the new outfit I mentioned yesterday: Where’s Waldo? 😂


I went diving, and I actually caught two gigas giant clams before I found a single scallop! But I did eventually find the scallop and Pascal, who gave me a DIY recipe for a mermaid dresser.

Midge asked for a new catchphrase, so I told her to change from “or fly away” to “fly with me.”

My slingshot broke, so I crafted a new one. And as I held it up, I spotted a bug on a tree behind me that I otherwise wouldn’t have noticed: A walking stick. I got my net out, caught it, and donated it to the museum.

At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Ryan, Nami, Logan, William, Timo, and Alex from Pawnee showed up. Once everyone was ready, I had them look for me. I was hiding in town, as Waldo. Behind this tree next to the arch, to be specific.

Jeff hides behind a tree.

As they were searching, Ryan left, and Alex from A-Nation joined in. About three minutes after the game started, William walked right past me, and I thought he found me. But he didn’t see me, and he kept walking. Nami, Timo, and Logan also walked past me. Nearly eight minutes after starting, Timo fell into a nearby pitfall I had buried. 😛

Nami left, but the search continued. After 11+ minutes, I asked if they gave up yet. Of course my speech bubble gave me away, and Logan was nearby, so he quickly tracked me down. 😛 Congrats, Logan!

We ran a frog race next, and I won my own race! I had home pad advantage.

Jeff enjoys a frog race win.

I don’t know if people are getting tired of the frog race yet, but it is starting to feel a bit stale. I do have two other things planned for this area in the future, but I still need more items and/or recipes. So I may still leave the frog race course up for a while, but I might not use it every week.

After the frog race ended, Nami returned…dressed as a frog. I suggested that we play some museum tag, since we hadn’t done that in a while. Alex was the first seeker, and I was one of the first ones found. I guess my hiding skills diminish indoors. 😉 When I returned to the lobby, I saw that Blathers had other things on his mind.

Blathers: If such was my life, I'd be happy as a clam too.

After some fishy behavior, I was the next to seek. I found four hiders, and then time ran out. Logan was next, and I believe he also found four people. With the five minute time limit we’ve been using, it’s difficult to find everyone. But of course, ten minutes would be too long. 😛

After that, William suggested sumo since he hasn’t played it before. Even though I crafted some pitfall seeds earlier in the day, I had fewer than 20. That might sound like a lot, but it’s not. You go through them quickly when you play sumo.

We played several one-on-one matches: Alex defeated William, the other Alex defeated Logan, Timo beat Nami, and I defeated William. I had just enough pitfalls for one last match, so I suggested all seven of us battle. Just as I was digging the final hole….Ryan returned. 😛

So I invited him to join us for what was now an 8-player sumo match. And wouldn’t you know, he won the match!

Ryan wins an eight-player sumo battle.

Timo left some art on my bulletin board, so thanks Timo! ….I think. 😀

Timo's art on my bulletin board.

We went to my house for a bit, but William left for the night. Logan was about to leave too, when Ros started to arrive. But as she was entering, we all got disconnected. Since it was already late, I didn’t reopen. But thanks to all who came, I had fun! And sorry Ros that your visit only included the inside of the airport. 😛

After I closed the gate, I found Wisp in town. I collected his five spirits and returned them to him. In return, he gave me some dark parquet flooring.

Look for a new Wi-Fi Moments video at some point this weekend! Never Stop Crossing!

2 thoughts on “Where’s Waldo?”

  1. It’s all good! Glad youguys had a good time 😀 hopefully I can come over next week! (I think my internet was sorta struggling last night anyways, lol)

    1. Halloween theory 🎃🎃🎃🎃
      It will work like new leaf you get costumes, but this time if you scare a villager, the give you a pumpkin. Then you can use the pumpkins and craft Halloween stuff. Now this is not officially the case this is just a theory.

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