Moai Statue

I was very pleased after opening Gulliver’s letter today. He finally sent me another piece of furniture, and a good one at that: a Moai statue…also known as an Easter Island head. Very cool! Gulliver finally got his head in the game. 🗿

I found ten star fragments and two Leo fragments on the beach today. Not bad, considering I only wished on about three stars last night!

I caught my first brown cicada today. And just a few seconds later, I caught my first grasshopper! That’s two new catches for the museum.

I caught a grasshopper! They're a grass act!

Near Nook’s Cranny, I noticed that someone from last night apparently planted a pink cosmos. Maybe their pockets were full after catching a bug, I don’t know. But whoever it was, let me know soon if you want it back.

Diana the deer was camping out at the campsite today. She’s fairly cute, but she’s also a snooty. So I did not invite her into town. (There aren’t many snooties I would willingly invite into town).

Diana: I wasn't sure what I thought at first, but I tell you...I've really grown to like this place, no doy.

I updated my dream this afternoon, although not a whole lot has changed since the last update. But you can look out for a new “frog race” design on the ground near the start of the frog race. I may not keep it there long though, because I need design spots for something else I have planned.

Later on, I went over to the plaza to check out a song from K.K. Slider. He played Comrade K.K. for me…and for nobody else.

K.K.: Right on. I'm turned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little Comrade K.K.?

After the show, I went diving for a scallop. It only took me three dives to find one. Pascal showed up, and he told me he knew a bull that ran a successful china shop. 😛

Pascal: I knew a bull once. He ran a real successful china shop. So, don't generalize, maaan. Just...don't.

Pascal gave me a mermaid fishy dress in exchange for the scallop. Why does Pascal have a mermaid fishy dress? Did he take it from a mermaid? Why? I have so many questions. 😉

There was another meteor shower tonight, so I wished on a number of shooting stars. I also decided on a spot for my Moai statue, on the western beach (for now, at least).

Jeff wishes on two shooting stars near the Moai statue in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Have a good night, everyone. The next video should be up tomorrow morning.