R.I.P. Spectacle Rock

Tia asked about moving out of town yesterday, but I tied her trunk to town hall. 😉 She’s not going anywhere! 😛

Crazy Redd was in town, so I boarded his ship to see what art he had. The serene painting looked real, but I already have that one in the museum. I believe the other three works of art were fake, but I took a chance on a mystic statue.

Redd: My offer's still good, y'know. For only 4,980 bells, this magnificent mystic statue is yours!

I shot down a balloon present that contained 30,000 bells! Wow!

I spent some crafting to replenish my supply of pitfall seeds, and I now have 55 of them. The bad news is that I can’t craft many more. Even though I still have over 2,000 tree branches in storage, I only have about 20 clumps of weeds remaining. So the next time I do this, I’ll have to visit some mystery islands to stock up on weeds first.

Today, Redd sent me the mystic statue in the mail. Blathers confirmed what I suspected: it’s a fake. I just put it in storage for now.

Flick was in town, so I grabbed a bunch of bugs out of storage for him. He gave me 145k for them all.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 145,500 bells for the bunch of them?

I later sold him an additional 70k worth of bugs that I caught today.

I did some diving in the ocean, filling up my pockets twice and then finally finding a scallop. Pascal popped up and told me he’s not made of DNA, he’s made of OTTE and R. Pascal isn’t always as deep as he thinks he is.

Pascal: DNA, maaan. They say it's what we're all made of. But if I'm made of letters...pretty sure it's OTTE and R.

He gave me a pearl in exchange for the scallop.

After I spent way too much time grinding for Nook Miles+ goals, I decided to work on the next new attraction in Forest. I did some crafting, I made some patterns, I got some items out of storage, and I ordered something. But I also removed Spectacle Rock, because this is where the new addition is going.

Spectacle Rock no longer stands in Forest.

Even though I liked having the Zelda reference in town, it admittedly was a bit plain. A “rock” formation is never going to be the most exciting thing to have in a town. 😛 And few, if any, people would even know what it was if they hadn’t seen me explain it in the blog or a video. But still, Spectacle Rock will live on in my first island tour video.

The new attraction is almost finished already. I’ll need to move a couple of patterns around tomorrow once Able Sisters is open, and it’ll just take me a couple minutes to put the finishing touches on it. So I plan on revealing it in the blog tomorrow. Tybalt’s birthday is also tomorrow, so I hope to see you then!

Have a great day! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂