R.I.P. Spectacle Rock

Tia asked about moving out of town yesterday, but I tied her trunk to town hall. ๐Ÿ˜‰ She’s not going anywhere! ๐Ÿ˜›

Crazy Redd was in town, so I boarded his ship to see what art he had. The serene painting looked real, but I already have that one in the museum. I believe the other three works of art were fake, but I took a chance on a mystic statue.

Redd: My offer's still good, y'know. For only 4,980 bells, this magnificent mystic statue is yours!

I shot down a balloon present that contained 30,000 bells! Wow!

I spent some crafting to replenish my supply of pitfall seeds, and I now have 55 of them. The bad news is that I can’t craft many more. Even though I still have over 2,000 tree branches in storage, I only have about 20 clumps of weeds remaining. So the next time I do this, I’ll have to visit some mystery islands to stock up on weeds first.

Today, Redd sent me the mystic statue in the mail. Blathers confirmed what I suspected: it’s a fake. I just put it in storage for now.

Flick was in town, so I grabbed a bunch of bugs out of storage for him. He gave me 145k for them all.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 145,500 bells for the bunch of them?

I later sold him an additional 70k worth of bugs that I caught today.

I did some diving in the ocean, filling up my pockets twice and then finally finding a scallop. Pascal popped up and told me he’s not made of DNA, he’s made of OTTE and R. Pascal isn’t always as deep as he thinks he is.

Pascal: DNA, maaan. They say it's what we're all made of. But if I'm made of letters...pretty sure it's OTTE and R.

He gave me a pearl in exchange for the scallop.

After I spent way too much time grinding for Nook Miles+ goals, I decided to work on the next new attraction in Forest. I did some crafting, I made some patterns, I got some items out of storage, and I ordered something. But I also removed Spectacle Rock, because this is where the new addition is going.

Spectacle Rock no longer stands in Forest.

Even though I liked having the Zelda reference in town, it admittedly was a bit plain. A “rock” formation is never going to be the most exciting thing to have in a town. ๐Ÿ˜› And few, if any, people would even know what it was if they hadn’t seen me explain it in the blog or a video. But still, Spectacle Rock will live on in my first island tour video.

The new attraction is almost finished already. I’ll need to move a couple of patterns around tomorrow once Able Sisters is open, and it’ll just take me a couple minutes to put the finishing touches on it. So I plan on revealing it in the blog tomorrow. Tybalt’s birthday is also tomorrow, so I hope to see you then!

Have a great day! Never Stop Crossing! ๐Ÿ™‚

14 thoughts on “R.I.P. Spectacle Rock”

    1. Friday Night Forest is just for people already on my roster. I’m not currently adding new friends, but I probably will at some point in the future.

        1. Well from what I’ve heard, they don’t do it with wallpaper unfortunately. ๐Ÿ™ I just don’t want you to waste it when it took you so much time and effort.

  1. Hi Jeff! Itโ€™s me, K.K Alec! I made a dream town tour of your town! The quality isnโ€™t the best because I donโ€™t have a screen recorder. Anyway, maybe you could put it in one of your blogs! Also, how can I โ€œsign upโ€ to come to your island?

  2. Iโ€™m having so much trouble finding pascal. After my millionth scallop he finally appears and gives me a pearl!
    Anyways when do you think youโ€™ll post your next dream island hopping video? The first one was so fun to watch! Have a great day!

    1. Remember to make sure your pockets aren’t full when you dive, or Pascal won’t pop up. (Although sometimes he doesn’t pop up anyway).

      I’ll be posting another dream video within the next couple days. But it’s not an “island hopping” video, it will just focus on one amazing dream town.

      1. I take all items out of my pocket and constantly have to run back and forth from the beach and the ocean ๐Ÿ˜‚.
        Ooh Iโ€™m excited for this next one because if it gets its own video it has to be really good!

  3. School is starting back up tomorrow for me so itโ€™s great to read these at night to help deal with stress. Never stop crossing!

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