AC Cemetery

Today, I finished up the new attraction in town. It’s a cemetery for previous Animal Crossing games (the main games, not including spin-offs or Japan-only games). Next to a gravestone for each game is a sign with the game’s box art, and an item that represents something from each game.

A graveyard for previous Animal Crossing games.

For the GameCube game, I chose a ball as the representative item. That game had balls that could be kicked all around town, and the ball seemed like an obvious choice to place here. For Wild World, I placed a bottled ship to represent the note in a bottle. Even though they returned in New Horizons as message bottles, they are not used the same way. In Wild World, you could send notes to random players and vice versa. By the way, regular message bottles in New Horizons can’t be placed back down once you pick them up. Otherwise I would have used them instead.

For City Folk, I made a pattern of the shopping card that allowed you to make large purchases at GracieGrace without carrying cash around with you. The funds came directly out of your bank account, just like a debit card. For New Leaf, I used the pocket modern camper to represent the RVs that would appear after the Welcome Amiibo update arrived.

If any of you have suggestions for a better (single-space sized) item to represent any of those games, feel free to comment below! By the way, I’ve already updated my dream, so you can see this area for yourself by dreaming of Forest.

I found Apple resting between two apple trees. It just seemed so cute that I had to include it in the entry today. πŸ˜›

Apple: Hey, jetsetter! I found this epic relax spot during my walk, so I'm taking a break!

Today is Tybalt’s birthday, and I made sure to attend his birthday party. Agent S was also there to help him celebrate. For a birthday present, I gave Tybalt the telescope that had been on Spectacle Rock. Happy birthday, tiger!

Tybalt: Oh! Oh, wow. Did you really... A telescope!

By the way, I was recently informed that Tybalt’s name is Jeff in the French version of the game. Tybalt was already growing on me, but this fact makes me like him even more. πŸ˜›

C.J. was in town, and he had a freestyle challenge for me today. That just meant I had to catch any five fish in a row without letting any get away. That didn’t take me long, and I sold my catches back to him for about 19,000 bells. I then went home to get some fish out of storage. I took them all over to C.J., and that earned me another 238k.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 238,500 bells. Deal?

Later on, I found Wisp up on the eastern cliffs. I collected his spirits for him, and it didn’t take me long: just two and a half minutes! He rewarded me with some rose flooring. I also earned 1,000 Nook Miles because that was the 20th time I helped him out!

Wisp returns to his normal shape after re-absorbing his five spirits.

It seems like finding Pascal has been a lot of work lately. So I nearly ended my game without even trying to find him tonight. But I decided to give it a quick try, and I’m glad I did. I found a scallop (and Pascal) on my very first dive! He gave me a pearl in exchange for the scallop.

Pascal: Wanna learn to cook? Try getting good at one recipe, then branch out. From there it's all just spices.

Just a few notices. There will not be a Friday Night Forest this week, and probably not next week either. But I plan on opening a week from Sunday (on the 30th) for the final fireworks festival of the year.

Lopez’s birthday is coming up tomorrow. And within the next day or two, I plan to post another dreaming video. But this won’t be an “island hopping” video this time. Instead, it will focus just on one amazing dream town.

Have a great day, and Never Stop Crossing! πŸ™‚

11 thoughts on “AC Cemetery”

  1. I do have one suggestion for the cemetery. Maybe for Wild World you could add a globe instead as the box art shows it in an actual word? But anyway nice job Jeff!

    1. That’s an interesting thought, but I want the item to be a reference to a feature from each game. I’ve been informed that New Horizons has acorns, so when the time comes, I’m going to use one to represent the acorn festival. That will work out better than the bottle. πŸ™‚

  2. I’m actually planning on making a similar cemetery but it’s for all my villagers who I liked that left! Also I don’t know if you would think it would work but you can actually craft a single leaf and you could put it for New Leaf. Also you could craft an axe a place it as a reference to Serena from the fountain. Have a good day!

    1. Haha the leaf is clever, but I want the item to be representative of a noteworthy feature in that game. The axe is an interesting thought, but I don’t think many people would understand the reference. Now if they added a fountain model, that would be perfect! It could reference not only the fountain in town (and Serena), but also the fountain in the city.

  3. I have a cemetery for villagers on my island. I only let them leave if I’ve gotten their photo. I have 3 photos displayed, it’s kind of sad in a way. Even if I didn’t really like them, I still try to do it. In wild world, if you have any photos of villagers you no longer have, you should try that!

  4. The cemetery looks awesome! (which is an odd sentence) I always look forward to your blogs! Thanks for always keeping us updated Jeff!

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