Lopez’s Birthday

While checking my mail today, I noticed that my letter count said 300/300. My letter storage was full, but there was no warning or notice. Apparently the oldest letters (at least ones that aren’t favorited) are just deleted without warning. So if you don’t keep your letter storage cleaned out, you may want to check to see if you have any letters you want to keep.

Lopez’s birthday is today, and I found Agent S helping him celebrate. Is Agent S everyone’s best friend? 😛

Lopez: Yooooo! It's the one day of the year when it's ALL about yours truly. Ha HA!

I gave Lopez a cooler box for a birthday present. He seemed to like it, but he may have been faking it. 😛 Well regardless, happy birthday Lopez!

Lopez: Hey, you have very good taste giving me a cooler box like this.

My golden watering can officially bit the dust today. R.I.P.

Label was at the plaza today, and she wanted to see me in a sporty outfit. She gave me a muscle tank as an example. But for once, I took this task seriously. I went home and changed into a baseball uniform, complete with cleats and a catcher’s mask.

I returned to Label, and she liked the outfit. She’ll be sending me a tailors ticket in the mail, but she also gave me some Labelle tights on the spot. Yeah, these will go great with my baseball uniform. 🤦

Label: ...Some Labelle tights, you see. It's a piece from my very own label.

Later, I went diving and found a scallop on my 4th dive. Pascal gave me a recipe for a mermaid vanity. This is my 12th mermaid D.I.Y., so I think I must be getting close to having the whole set by now.

I put everything in my main room, because this should help with my HHA scores. I don’t plan on keeping this stuff up long term, though. I just don’t have many nearly-complete sets yet.

My mermaid furniture.

Today I posted my latest dreaming video, where I go to the neon-filled city of Sweetland (dream address 8923-2790-9482). It’s a beautiful town, and there’s SO much to see! Check out the video, and be sure to visit the dream for yourself too!

See you all next time! Never Stop Crossing!

7 thoughts on “Lopez’s Birthday”

  1. The basement in my ACNH house will never be completed. Thats because For every seasonal furniture or holiday furniture I’ll put that furniture into the basement! Oh and my next villager birthday isn’t till the 31st which is Audies birthday.

    1. I have a question from your City Folk town. How do you make money so fast without doing the summer bug catching.

      1. Well I have been spending time bug-catching in City Folk. But aside from that, it’s mainly just the usual things: daily money rock, selling fossils/fruit/gyroids/furniture, etc. I also earn 99,999 bells each month on interest on my bank account balance.

  2. How did you make the ac game patterns? Did you use ac patterns maker or something? Also for the city folk part of the cemetery, how about you add the animal city song as to represent the city

    1. Yes, I used acpatterns.com for those. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I’ll stick with the shopping card design, for now at least.

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