Inside Out

Lopez was wondering why someone (me) left a plain wooden shop sign on the side of the road.

Lopez: Whoa, someone just left a plain wooden shop sign here...

Has he never been to Apple Lane before? Maybe if he could read the sign, he wouldn’t be so confused. 😂

When I found Pascal, he told me people were telling him his shirt was on inside-out. But he didn’t care, because he was dressing for himself, not for them.

Pascal: Folks kept tellin' me my shirt was on inside out the other day, but, maaan, I was dressin' for me, not for them.

That’s fine and all, but there’s a problem with that story. Just on Monday, he told me that he never wears shirts! So how could his shirt be inside-out if he wasn’t wearing a shirt in the first place? 🤔 Anyway, he gave me some mermaid shoes in exchange for my scallop.

In the bug wing of the museum, I ran into Louie. There was an atlas moth seemingly hovering in mid-air as I spoke with Louie.

Louie: If I were a bug, I'd be worried I'd lose my edge in a place like this. I bet these bugs need a trainer...

Kicks was in town, but I didn’t buy anything from him.

Back at home, I noticed my bathroom was filling up with garbage! 😉

The garbage-heap wall and flooring on display in my bathroom.

Just kidding. I noticed that I had enough trash in storage that I was able to craft the garbage-heap wall and flooring. 😛 I can’t imagine actually using this wall/flooring in my house, but I put it into storage just in case.

Not much else was going on, and I felt like I was in a bit of a rut. So I brainstormed and tried to think of something new to put in my town. I came up with an idea (but not the specifics), but I’m not going to start on it until next week. But if any of my visitors Sunday night want to jump on the jumping pillars, I suggest you do it while you can. That’s where I’m planning on putting the new area.

Reminder: There is no Friday Night Forest tonight, but I’ll be opening on Sunday night for the final fireworks festival. The time is uncertain, but it will likely be somewhere around 9pm Eastern time. Just check Twitter for the exact time once Sunday night comes around.

Final thought for the night: I’d love to hear what everyone’s favorite parts of my island are. If you’ve visited or dreamed of Forest, could you rank your top three attractions? To refresh your memory, I’ll list some of them here: The frog race course, Peach Park, Rainbow Road, the AC cemetery, Apple Lane, the sumo ring, arches, campsite, amusement park, Sudden Valley, etc. Leave a comment below!