Final Fireworks of 2020

Able Sisters had all four colors of frog caps today, so I bought the two I still needed (yellow and red). They also had a blue cavalier hat, so I bought that as well…even though it’s not dark blue like the one in City Folk.

Able Sisters has cavalier hats and frog caps for sale today.

When I visited Rizzo, he told me that the Happy Home Academy wasn’t impressed by him.

Rizzo: So, superstar, did you hear from the Happy Home Academy yet? They weren't impressed by me.

Don’t feel too bad about that, Rizzo. Nobody is impressed by you. 😛

I made a new Jeff Tybalt design, and I set up my fireworks patterns with Isabelle. This is what I went with for the final fireworks festival of the year:

My fireworks designs for August 30, 2020.

At about 9:10 tonight, I opened up my gate. Bran, Logan, Alex (from Pawnee), Timo, Maria, and Sacky showed up, and we watched the fireworks for a bit.

Fireworks go off in the sky over Forest.

I took everyone to the cemetery, and we learned that fish couldn’t be released into the slim pond of water behind the graves. But I learned that I could dive into the ocean from on top of the wall behind the waterfall…but only from the right side.

Jeff dives into the ocean from the cemetery back wall.

We went swimming, hung out at the amusement park arcade, and then we jumped on the pillars (for perhaps the last time).

Jumping on the pillars.

Sacky left without warning, and that seemed to start a revolving door effect a few minutes later. William arrived, TZ arrived, Bran left, and Logan left. We hung out at the plaza and watched the fireworks some more.

Watching more fireworks.

TZ and Alex left after a bit, and I ended the session about 11:00. Thanks to everyone who came, it was fun!