First Pascal Duplicate

Jolly Redd sent me my detailed painting in the mail, but Blathers informed me that it was a fake. Disappointing, but at least now I’ll have a picture of what not to buy the next time it comes around. 😛

I ran into Keaton in Able Sisters today, and he said that dressing well is a form of self-care. So he’s trying to get his health insurance to pay for a pleather jumpsuit he’s had his eagle eye on. Yeah, good luck with that.

Keaton: That's why I'm trying to get my health insurance to cover this really sharp pleather jumpsuit.

To my surprise, Rizzo again gave me a DIY recipe for jail bars! Not only was the one who first gave me that recipe, but I used them to trap him several times! You’d think he wouldn’t want to remind me about them again. 😛

Tia was in Nook’s Cranny, looking for a bargain. But I know why she was really there: She wanted that elephant slide! 😀

Tia the elephant, standing near an elephant slide: I stopped in today because I had a feeling there might be a bargain waiting for me. I just need to find it.

Saharah was in town, and I got a simple medium brown mat, yellow stripes rug, stadium wall, and circuit-board flooring from her.

I worked on my new area today, but it doesn’t seem to be as big as I thought (and hoped). So I slightly expanded my eastern cliff, and I may expand it further. That may even include the peninsula where I currently have my outdoor bath and lighthouse.

While fishing in the river, I caught my first pike. I later donated it to the museum.

I caught a pike! Think a swordfish would be up for a duel?

When I went diving, it didn’t take long to find a scallop (and Pascal). In fact, I did it on just my 2nd dive of the day! Pascal gave me some mermaid shoes, and they’re blue. That’s significant because I already had pink mermaid shoes and blue mermaid shoes. That makes this my first duplicate from Pascal, so I’m guessing that means I now have all of his items.

With my daily tasks complete, I was free to do some mystery island hopping. I stocked up on weeds, apples, and coconuts (helpful for moving trees when I work on my new area).

I made six trips in total, landing on three waterfall islands, two spiral islands, and one island that had a weird three-pronged lake (almost shaped like a fidget spinner).

A three-pronged, fidget spinner shaped lake on a mystery island.

Unfortunately, I did not land on a bamboo island. And that was the main reason I was island hopping in the first place. I’ll try again tomorrow.

I’m still not sure if I’ll be opening for Friday Night Forest this week. Even though I’d like to, I really want to finish up my new area before opening…and I’m not sure if that will happen by Friday. I might have a better idea by tomorrow night.

8 thoughts on “First Pascal Duplicate”

    1. Your comment is a duplicate too. You left this same comment about 12 hours ago too. But again, I was talking about Pascal’s exclusive mermaid items.

      1. Have you found a pearl on your own? As in, Pascal didn’t give it to you, but a “creature” you dived for turned out to be a pearl.

  1. Bamboo Island is actually one of the most common islands so I’m surprised you didn’t get it. Besides ( obviously ) Rizzo, who are you ok with letting them move?

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