Working on a Winding Path

Isabelle informed me that there was an animal camping at the campsite today, and I found out that it was Flurry the hamster. She’s cute, but I did not invite her in.

Flurry: Hi, are you a resident? Seems like a great place to live, powderpuff.

When I went diving, I caught three new sea creatures! They include the turban shell, oyster, and the chambered nautilus.

I got a chambered nautilus! Is it on the naughty list?

Nook’s Cranny had an elaborate kimono stand for sale, but it cost a whopping 220,000 bells! Tia said it was too pricey for her, and I agree 100%.

Tia: That's a little too pricey for me.

Flick was in town, so I got all the bugs I had in storage and took them over to him. He gave me 75,000 bells for them all.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 75,000 bells for the bunch of them?

After I finished making my rounds, I went out to a mystery island. I was happy to see that the first island was a bamboo island. I stocked up on bamboo and bamboo accessories, and I grabbed some weeds and coconuts too.

When I returned to Forest, I got to work on my new area. I got some items out of storage, I crafted some other items, and I laid down a winding path. I made significant progress on the new area, but it’s not finished. I’d estimate it may be 75-80% complete though. I’m not going to reveal too much until it’s done, but I will tease you with this picture of the map. 😛

The new part of town.

While the new area is its own thing, it should also enhance the beauty of the scenery behind the sumo ring as well.

Note: There was a meteor shower tonight, so I wished on several shooting stars.

Sorry, but there won’t be a Friday Night Forest this week. I’m going to do my best to open up next week though. I know it’s been a while! But over the weekend, you can expect a new Wi-Fi Moments video, and I’ll be unveiling my new area by Sunday (likely with a dream update so you can check it out for yourself).