Today, Lopez was crafting in his house again. That makes four days in a row! Today’s recipe was an ironwood cart, which was another one I didn’t need.
There was a camper at the campsite, so I went inside the tent to see who it was. Unfortunately, it was Ursala! One of my biggest enemies from my GameCube town! No thanks!

I found a lost item on the ground near town hall. When I investigated it, the clue said that it was an exercise book. So I was pretty sure it belonged to a jock, which could be Louie or Tybalt. But since the last one belonged to Louie, I decided to ask Tybalt about this one. And sure enough, it was his workout journal.

As a reward, he gave me a flashy hairpin.
Flick was in town, so I got some bugs out of storage to sell him. But I only had six bugs, although most of them were goliath beetles. He gave me 63,000 bells for them all.

But Flick wasn’t the only animal in town that wanted bugs; Rizzo asked me for a bell cricket. Since it’s a fairly common bug, I agreed to help him out. It ended up taking me a bit longer than I expected (since I kept finding regular crickets instead of bell crickets), but it didn’t take too awful long. Rizzo was happy to have his bug.

My reward was a business suitcoat.
After that, I thought I was done playing for the night. But later on, I realized I didn’t give out any gifts today. So I started the game back up and crafted a kettlebell for Tybalt. I gave it to him, and he loved it…a lot. I was shocked when I saw my reward: his photo!!

I was not expecting to get his photo this soon! He hasn’t even lived in town for two months yet! And I only recently started giving him gifts! So it’s mind-boggling that he gave me his photo before Hornsby, Agent S, or even Midge. Maybe he just loves it when I speak French to him. But I’ll take it! I proudly displayed it in my bedroom.

His favorite quote is “There’s no excuse for half-baked potatoes.”
I posted my latest video today, Dream Island Hopping #2. I hope you’ll give it a watch, and visit the dream islands for yourself if they interest you.
See you tomorrow!