That’s Orange?

Yesterday, I received a letter from Gullivarrr in the mail. He sent me a pirate-treasure chest.

Jeff displays the pirate-treasure chest in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

I like the item overall, but it’s a bit disappointing that it can’t be closed and opened; it’s always open. And the gold doesn’t look particularly shiny…even my golden roses look shinier. 😛

I finally bred my first orange rose, and I was planning on using black and orange roses to decorate for Halloween. However, the orange rose is very pale and it almost looks pink to me. So I may just use orange windflowers to decorate instead.

My first orange rose in ACNH.

Louie informed me that he lost his training notebook. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time a villager has informed me of a lost item before I’ve found it myself. The book wasn’t far away, so I quickly returned it to Louie. He gave me some rimmed glasses to thank me.

Louie: Yes! You found it! I've been looking everywhere for this! It's my Manual for Expert Bodybuilding!

What’s with the jocks losing so many items lately though?

Today, Saharah was in town. I made some purchases and ended up with a snowflake rug, blue dotted rug, flowing-river flooring, and blackboard wall. The snowflake rug is the only one I kept (in storage). But I noticed that picking up a rug sure stirs up a lot of dust!

Stirring up some dust when picking up a rug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I posted a New Horizons Q & A video today, so check it out if you’d like. I answer about 50 questions about the game, features, villagers, my play style, and more.

There won’t be a Friday Night Forest this week, because I’m going to be playing some Super Mario 3D All-Stars. 😛 However, I plan on opening up on Saturday night instead, probably at the same time.