Yesterday, I received a letter from Gullivarrr in the mail. He sent me a pirate-treasure chest.

I like the item overall, but it’s a bit disappointing that it can’t be closed and opened; it’s always open. And the gold doesn’t look particularly shiny…even my golden roses look shinier.
I finally bred my first orange rose, and I was planning on using black and orange roses to decorate for Halloween. However, the orange rose is very pale and it almost looks pink to me. So I may just use orange windflowers to decorate instead.

Louie informed me that he lost his training notebook. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time a villager has informed me of a lost item before I’ve found it myself. The book wasn’t far away, so I quickly returned it to Louie. He gave me some rimmed glasses to thank me.

What’s with the jocks losing so many items lately though?
Today, Saharah was in town. I made some purchases and ended up with a snowflake rug, blue dotted rug, flowing-river flooring, and blackboard wall. The snowflake rug is the only one I kept (in storage). But I noticed that picking up a rug sure stirs up a lot of dust!

I posted a New Horizons Q & A video today, so check it out if you’d like. I answer about 50 questions about the game, features, villagers, my play style, and more.
There won’t be a Friday Night Forest this week, because I’m going to be playing some Super Mario 3D All-Stars. However, I plan on opening up on Saturday night instead, probably at the same time.