Ghosts Go Too

I received my latest home score from the Happy Home Academy in the mail today. They gave me 96,518 points, and an S rank. They also informed me that my main room on the first floor (the mermaid room) was my highest-scoring room. That’s what I figured…and it’s also why I need to keep the mermaid stuff up until I earn all of the HHA rewards.

Up by the Animal Crossing cemetery, I noticed a bunch of new budding flowers have appeared.

Five new flower buds near the Animal Crossing cemetery.

It didn’t rain yesterday, so I was a bit confused at first. But then I remembered that last night, I (and others) used a watering can to “attack” Logan from on the cliff, while he was down below, attacking us with a net. 😛

Water/net fight from Saturday Night Forest.

Yellow roses aren’t necessarily a flower I need more of, but at least I figured out the mystery of the new flower buds. 😛

I shot down a balloon present over the other graveyard (the Halloween one), and it contained an anatomical model. It looks like it could be a Halloween item (like a partially dissected body), so I placed it nearby. 😛

I crafted a gold rose wreath and gave it to Hornsby. He told me he would display it, but only after he cleaned his sticky door. I don’t know why his door is sticky, but I was afraid to ask. He gave me a school jacket in return.

Hornsby: Huh? Yeah. Clean my door. Sometimes my doors get...sticky. You telling me your doors don't?

Later on, I found Wisp back by Rizzo’s house. I thought it was amusing that the toilet lid flipped open each time Wisp would float by. 😀

The toilet seat flips up as Wisp floats nearby.

Does Wisp even need a toilet? Well, anytime he drinks some coffee, it passes right through him. 😛 But anyway, he asked me to collect his five spirits for him. I was surprised to find two of them together at the amusement park! Maybe they wanted to play a “Guess My Weight” game. 😉

Two of Wisp's spirits hang out near the amusement park in Forest.

After finding all of Wisp’s spirits, he gave me a stadiometer for helping out.

Video update: I plan on posting Wi-Fi Moments #12 tomorrow, and New Horizons Moments #3 later in the week. Keep an eye out for them! See you soon!