I said there wouldn’t be a blog entry yesterday unless something major happened. And it almost, almost did. That’s because June the bear cub, who I think is one of the cutest villagers in the series, was at the campsite.

I wanted her. I played her games to try to get her to move into Forest. I kept losing repeatedly, but eventually she agreed to move in! But of course, there was a problem: There is no vacancy in town. She asked around at Resident Services, and she heard that Tia would be willing to move out to make room for her.

Oof. As much as I would love to add June to my island, I was not willing to force out Tia. I told her no, and gave it another try (after another long batch of mini-game attempts), but she again said Tia was the one willing to move out. So June’s arrival was cancelled.
Gulliver was in town, so I dug up the five pieces of his communicator and returned them to him. I earned 1,000 Nook Miles because that was the 20th time I helped him out.
Today, I got my letter from Gulliver. He sent me this candy-skull mask, which looks scarier than it sounds.

Louie sent me a work of art, a basic painting! Even though it turned out to be a fake, that’s a nice gift to send. I took a picture of it for future reference when dealing with Redd.
Alex from Pawnee also sent me a letter, and he sent me a pirate-treasure robe. I’ve been adamant about not wanting help with Gulliver/Gullivarrr items and I’ve repeatedly turned down offers for pirate items. But when it’s sent to you in a letter, there’s no way you can decline the item.
I mailed the robe back to Alex, but I really hope having the item in my inventory/catalog doesn’t affect when Gullivarrr gives it to me. For example, if he only gives items that have not been in my possession first (like it’s been reported on Reddit), then I’d have to wait until the next time through his cycle of rewards, and that could delay me from getting the robe from him by many months. If that’s the case, I would not be a happy pirate…and I may make Alex walk the plank.
You may think the way I play is weird, wanting to earn things on my own like that. But if you can’t respect the way I play, then at least don’t interfere with things and make things harder for me than they need to be. When in doubt, ASK FIRST.
Today was Apple’s birthday, so I headed over to her birthday party. Keaton was also there to help her celebrate. I gave her a birthday present: a gift-wrapped apple!

Saharah was in town, and I purchased some items from her. I ended up with an ivory medium round mat, green shaggy rug, meadow vista, and cloud flooring. I kept all of them except the green shaggy rug.
I’ve changed my mind about tomorrow: No Friday Night Forest this week. But I will be posting New Horizons Moments #3 tomorrow.