Signs of Things to Come

Agent S told me she’s been reading comics lately, and one thriller in particular: Forehead Secrets. It’s about some foreheads figuring out which forehead “did the thing.” Hopefully they can put their heads together and solve the crimes.

Agent S: It's full of forehead-tingling suspense! Whose forehead did the thing? Which forehead will prove it?
Who comes up with stories like this? It’s a head-scratcher.

I cleaned up my town a bit today. I moved my gold roses to the beach, and I also organized some of my other flowers (as I continue to breed more orange windflowers and hyacinths). I also made additional pattern changes as I get ready for Halloween. Sudden Valley is now Death Valley, and D.K. Country is now Decay Country.

New signs for Death Valley (formerly Sudden Valley) and Decay Country (formerly D.K. Country).

I’ve updated my dream (address 6717-1633-3682) to reflect the latest changes.

K.K. Slider was in town today (bumped to Sunday because of the Bug-Off yesterday). I asked him for a random song, and he played Spring Blossoms for me, Apple, Keaton, and Tybalt. He must have his seasons mixed up. 😉

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little Spring Blossoms?

After the show, I just did a little Nook Miles grinding (not that I need the miles). I then wrapped up my game for now, although I might check back later tonight to see if Wisp is around. If I find him, I’ll update this entry. Otherwise, I’ll see you next time!