Gullivarrr’s Booty

Yesterday, Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a work outfit.

Label: Now, I'd like you to show me a work outfit.

She gave me a staff uniform to use as an example, but I also grabbed a chef’s hat from out of storage. Even though they don’t necessarily match, they’re both considered work items, so it…worked. Labelle liked the outfit, and she gave me a Labelle cap.

Today, it was Gullivarrr that was in town…although I didn’t exactly have the most flattering angle to see this pirate’s booty.

Gullivarrr: Zzz... Ye call that a sea bass?
Not a sea bass

I went diving in the ocean to find his communicator, and it showed up on my first dive. He’ll be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

Keaton told me he was thinking of moving out of town, but I put a stop to his plans.

The latest update arrived tonight, and the latest version number is 1.5.0. Nintendo sent a letter thanking me for downloading the update, and they attached a Ring-Con to the letter. If you’re not familiar with the Ring-Con, it’s the accessory used in Nintendo’s “fitness adventure” game, Ring Fit Adventure.

The Ring-Con item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I don’t think it’s particularly useful in New Horizons, but I’m sure someone out there will come up with a good use for it. πŸ˜›

Since it was already 10:00 by the time I played post-update, Nook’s Cranny was already closed. So I couldn’t check the shop for pumpkin seeds tonight…although they may not be available until October 1st anyway.

I didn’t receive any of the new DIY recipes either, even though I hung out for a while to watch for balloon presents. πŸ˜› So this update doesn’t exactly have an immediate impact on the game, unless you were really dying to get that Ring-Con item for some reason. πŸ˜‚ But I’ll be back with more soon.

11 thoughts on “Gullivarrr’s Booty”

  1. Questions for you;

    1. If u could pick anyone to move that isn’t Lopez or Rizzo who would it be?

    2. Thoughts on Twiggy the peppy bird?

    I love ur blogs they’re very good!.

    1. 1. Maybe Midge? But I’m not letting anyone other than Lopez/Rizzo leave right now.
      2. I like Twiggy. I had her in my City Folk town for a while, and she was a good bird to have around.

  2. 1. If anytime the Ring Fit just looks cool to me. If I make a fitness area I will for sure put it there.
    2. The Pumpkins will not appear In the app because I tested it earlier when I first received the update.

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