Gullivarrr sent me my reward today, and it was part of the pirate outfit. Unfortunately, it was a pirate dress. I wish the pirate costume was just regular clothing you could buy at the store. I hope no one was counting on wearing a pirate costume for Halloween, because I doubt many people will get the whole outfit in time.

At the shop, it looks we’ll still have to wait until tomorrow (October 1st) for all of the new Halloween/update stuff to arrive. But there was at least a ghost umbrella for sale, so I bought it. 😛

Buying a ghost umbrella at Nook's Cranny.

Up at Able Sisters, Sable had some dialogue thanking me for helping out Label.

Sable: Jeff, I just wanted to say thank you for always being there to help Label.
Sable: You've done so much for all three of us. Thank you from the roots of my quills.

Keaten thought up a new nickname for me, DJ JEF.

Keaton: Alright, brace yourself... It's DJ JEF! Pretty cool, right?
So I’m not jazzy?

Flick was in town, so I grabbed some bugs out of storage. I sold him 11 bugs, for a grand total of 98,250 bells.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 98,250 bells for the bunch of them?

At town hall, I decided to change up the exterior of my house for the Halloween season. My house will be mostly black for a while.

Black square mailbox.

That’s all for now, but I’ll be back with more tomorrow. See you then!

3 thoughts on “DJ JEF”

      1. You’re not the only one going crazy for Halloween. The spot where hurricane Monty lived had a grass wear spot that looked like a skull. So I surrounded it with orange roses and black roses.

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