Working on a Winding Path

Isabelle informed me that there was an animal camping at the campsite today, and I found out that it was Flurry the hamster. She’s cute, but I did not invite her in.

Flurry: Hi, are you a resident? Seems like a great place to live, powderpuff.

When I went diving, I caught three new sea creatures! They include the turban shell, oyster, and the chambered nautilus.

I got a chambered nautilus! Is it on the naughty list?

Nook’s Cranny had an elaborate kimono stand for sale, but it cost a whopping 220,000 bells! Tia said it was too pricey for her, and I agree 100%.

Tia: That's a little too pricey for me.

Flick was in town, so I got all the bugs I had in storage and took them over to him. He gave me 75,000 bells for them all.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 75,000 bells for the bunch of them?

After I finished making my rounds, I went out to a mystery island. I was happy to see that the first island was a bamboo island. I stocked up on bamboo and bamboo accessories, and I grabbed some weeds and coconuts too.

When I returned to Forest, I got to work on my new area. I got some items out of storage, I crafted some other items, and I laid down a winding path. I made significant progress on the new area, but it’s not finished. I’d estimate it may be 75-80% complete though. I’m not going to reveal too much until it’s done, but I will tease you with this picture of the map. 😛

The new part of town.

While the new area is its own thing, it should also enhance the beauty of the scenery behind the sumo ring as well.

Note: There was a meteor shower tonight, so I wished on several shooting stars.

Sorry, but there won’t be a Friday Night Forest this week. I’m going to do my best to open up next week though. I know it’s been a while! But over the weekend, you can expect a new Wi-Fi Moments video, and I’ll be unveiling my new area by Sunday (likely with a dream update so you can check it out for yourself).

First Pascal Duplicate

Jolly Redd sent me my detailed painting in the mail, but Blathers informed me that it was a fake. Disappointing, but at least now I’ll have a picture of what not to buy the next time it comes around. 😛

I ran into Keaton in Able Sisters today, and he said that dressing well is a form of self-care. So he’s trying to get his health insurance to pay for a pleather jumpsuit he’s had his eagle eye on. Yeah, good luck with that.

Keaton: That's why I'm trying to get my health insurance to cover this really sharp pleather jumpsuit.

To my surprise, Rizzo again gave me a DIY recipe for jail bars! Not only was the one who first gave me that recipe, but I used them to trap him several times! You’d think he wouldn’t want to remind me about them again. 😛

Tia was in Nook’s Cranny, looking for a bargain. But I know why she was really there: She wanted that elephant slide! 😀

Tia the elephant, standing near an elephant slide: I stopped in today because I had a feeling there might be a bargain waiting for me. I just need to find it.

Saharah was in town, and I got a simple medium brown mat, yellow stripes rug, stadium wall, and circuit-board flooring from her.

I worked on my new area today, but it doesn’t seem to be as big as I thought (and hoped). So I slightly expanded my eastern cliff, and I may expand it further. That may even include the peninsula where I currently have my outdoor bath and lighthouse.

While fishing in the river, I caught my first pike. I later donated it to the museum.

I caught a pike! Think a swordfish would be up for a duel?

When I went diving, it didn’t take long to find a scallop (and Pascal). In fact, I did it on just my 2nd dive of the day! Pascal gave me some mermaid shoes, and they’re blue. That’s significant because I already had pink mermaid shoes and blue mermaid shoes. That makes this my first duplicate from Pascal, so I’m guessing that means I now have all of his items.

With my daily tasks complete, I was free to do some mystery island hopping. I stocked up on weeds, apples, and coconuts (helpful for moving trees when I work on my new area).

I made six trips in total, landing on three waterfall islands, two spiral islands, and one island that had a weird three-pronged lake (almost shaped like a fidget spinner).

A three-pronged, fidget spinner shaped lake on a mystery island.

Unfortunately, I did not land on a bamboo island. And that was the main reason I was island hopping in the first place. I’ll try again tomorrow.

I’m still not sure if I’ll be opening for Friday Night Forest this week. Even though I’d like to, I really want to finish up my new area before opening…and I’m not sure if that will happen by Friday. I might have a better idea by tomorrow night.

September Changes

Yesterday, Label was in town and she wanted me to wear an outfit that looks like it belongs in a fairy tale. As an example, she gave me…a military uniform? That sounds like the opposite of a fairy tale to me!

Label: You see, it's a military uniform.

I put it on, and kept my cavalier hat on as well (which probably helped). When I spoke with Label again, she loved the outfit and gave me some Labelle sneakers.

Later on, I started up the island designer app and removed my pillars. This is what it looked like.

My eastern cliff without the pillars.

Moments later, I started working on my new project. I have a general idea of what I want to do, but not exactly a specific plan. I’m still experimenting with some things and I may try out several ideas and layouts before I finalize things. So don’t expect a reveal right away; this may take me several days.

By the way, I also removed my small island with the rock-head statue that was north of town hall.

On Isabelle’s “newscast” early this morning, she announced that acorns and pine cones may now fall from trees you shake. She also sent a DIY recipe for a “tree’s bounty little tree.” And for September, Nook Shopping has a new seasonal item called a grape-harvest basket.

The seasonal grape-harvest basket available from Nook Shopping.

Nook’s Cranny also has a new look for the season. Summer is now over in Animal Crossing, and fall/autumn is now underway.

Nook's Cranny with their new autumn look.

Once I found my first acorn, I knew just what to do with it: I took it up to the cemetery. It will be my new item for the Animal Crossing: Wild World grave, representing the Acorn Festival.

My Animal Crossing cemetery, now with an acorn to represent the Acorn Festival.

Early this morning, I caught my first monarch butterfly, cricket, and bell cricket. When I played again tonight, I caught my first migratory locust, red dragonfly, salmon, king salmon, and sweet shrimp. So I’ve already donated a good chunk of the new September catches to the museum. Not a bad day.

Crazy Redd was in town, and two of his paintings appeared to be fakes. The other two were ones that I haven’t seen yet in New Horizons. I ended taking a chance on a detailed painting.

Pascal popped up when I found a scallop in the ocean, and he mentioned there is a used-time shop near his place. But honestly, I was more interested in imagining what his place looks like than wondering how a shop could sell used time. 😉

Pascal: People ask, 'Where does the time go?' But I know, maaan. There's a used-time store near my place.

He gave me a pearl in exchange for the scallop.

Have a great day, and I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow! 🙂

Update: Later on, Midge asked about moving out of town…but I told her to stay. Also, I spotted Wisp in town tonight. I collected his spirits for him, and he gave me a blue intricate wall in return.