Lo To Go!

Today, I spoke with Lopez and he wondered what was beyond the shimmering sea. He said he needed to find out, which meant that he was asking to move out! I told him to go, and he uttered this gem of a sentence that utilized his catchphrase perfectly.

Lopez: It's over between me and Forest, if I die.
You don’t say.

So he should be all packed up and ready to go tomorrow! He will be the first villager to move out since Shari left on July 14th! That’s basically three months!

Over on the beach, Tybalt asked me to play a treasure hunt game with him.

Tybalt: Treasure hunt! You should totally play a treasure-hunt game with me.

I agreed to play, and he gave me six minutes to find the treasure. It took me less than half of that time to find it; it was at the sumo ring.

I found treasure!

For winning the game, Tybalt gave me a jockey’s helmet.

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in an “everyday” outfit. She gave me a sweater-vest as an example. I put it on, along with a denim cap…and I also remembered to remove my bat wings. 😛 Label loved it so much that she said it was amazing, and perfectly coordinated!

Label: Amazing! I've never seen an outfit so perfectly coordinated!

She gave me some Labelle pumps, and she’ll also be sending me a tailors ticket (or two) in the mail.

I had a new crop of pumpkins again today, so I used them to make more items I needed for my Halloween race. I worked on the race for a good while tonight, and I think it’s probably about 70% complete. I have the basic layout done and ground rules established. I’m just waiting on some items I ordered, and I’ll still need more pumpkins to craft everything I need.

Once I get everything I need, I’ll also want to check the course for balance. The race is not symmetrical, so I’ll need to do some test runs to make sure there’s not a significant advantage to playing on the left side vs. the right side.

There are bottlenecks on each side (where the first player on each side can squeeze ahead of the other), but I think that will be offset by some side paths which may be necessary or may be dead ends. Being first may not be an advantage if you go the wrong way, after all.

Anyway, it’s looking like this race may not be done until Friday (or later). I’ll keep you updated as the week goes on.