Halloween Race

Yesterday, Gullivarrr sent me my reward in the mail: a pirate wall.

The pirate wall in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for Nintendo Switch.

One of the day’s fossils, and the glowing spot, were inside my Halloween maze. It wasn’t too hard to get to them though, because I can just (temporarily) remove the hedges to get to the right spots quickly. 😛

The daily message bottle was nearly hidden behind a cliff. But I found it and learned how to make a signpost. I’ve had the angled signpost recipe for many months, and I guess I didn’t even realize there was a regular, non-angled one. 😛

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a signpost!

My pumpkin crop gave me just barely enough pumpkins to make the spooky towers I needed to finish my Halloween race course. Here’s a look at the tower area, with the entrance to the hedge maze in the background.

A bunch of spooky towers in my Halloween race course.

Tybalt asked me for a new catchphrase, and I told him to say “it’s scary.”

I got my first look inside of Bones’s house, and it’s a book-lover’s dream! Bones is apparently quite the bookworm!

The inside of Bones's house, filled with books and bookshelves.

Today, I found a lost item on the ground, and it mentioned “xtreme xercises.” Yet again, the lost item belongs to a jock. I asked Tybalt about it, and he told it was Louie’s book. When I gave it to Louie (inside Nook’s Cranny), he thanked me and gave me a western shirt.

K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed K.K. Rally for me, Rizzo, and Tia.

After that, I went diving and found a scallop on my first dive. Pascal popped up, gave me a pearl, and talked about stew, his friend Stew, and Stew’s stew.

Pascal: Which came first, folks named Stew, or stew? And if it was stew...what's that mean for my friend Stew's stew?

Around 9:15, I posted on Twitter asking for contestants to participate in my Halloween race. Maria, Bran, Jet, and Jac came over. After they checked my free recipe area and shopped, we headed over to the course and I explained the rules. I was Jeff the ref, of course. 😛 Here is the video that shows how the race went:

After the winner collected the prize, I asked if they wanted to race again just for fun. (I’m not mentioning who won, just because I want you all to watch the video to see what happened, lol.)

But to make things fair in round #2, I had them switch sides this time. I actually goofed up by neglecting to reset the scarecrows, so I let that requirement slide (they all went back there anyway).

Jet and Bran both arrived at the finish line ahead of Maria, but Maria was able to drop her skeleton on the square first, while Bran was still in his menu and Jet dropped his item on the wrong spot. It was a very close finish!

Maria sneaks ahead of Jet and Bran for the win.

Those leaf piles are actually placed there to help avoid the items being dropped in the wrong place. But I think Jet was standing too far back when he dropped it.

After that, I reset the race again and posted the Dodo Code on Twitter so anyone else could join. Dawn, Rhiannon, and Yadiel came over. The three of them, and Jet, participated in the last race of the night. Jet won easily, which isn’t surprising considering it was his third race and all of his opponents were new to the race. But congrats on the win regardless, Jet! 🙂

He won by such a large margin that I had to go back up to see what happened to everyone else! I wondered if they got lost! 😂 It is quite tricky on your first attempt though. Rhiannon finished next, so she was the winner of the new players that round. After the race, we took a group photo.

A group photo on the Halloween race course.

I then gave everyone a tour of my island. Even though Maria and Bran had been to my town multiple times before, the others had not. We went into some of the villagers’ homes to visit them, but that resulted in a lot of lag and loading times. But we also experienced some bad lag outdoors too, particularly at the campsite.

After excessively using our wands in Tia’s house, we took another group photo at Pumpkin Park.

A group photo at Pumpkin Park.

Shortly after that, we concluded the tour. Jac showed us something in the museum, where the mischief emotion shows up as a square from a distance. Someone disconnected, so I quickly wrapped it up and said goodbye to everyone before anyone else could join in (since I was done for the night anyway).

Thanks to everyone who came tonight, it was fun! 🙂 See you next time, and have a good weekend!