Perfect Gift for Bones

This morning, I caught my first Venus’ flower basket. It’s quite a unique looking creature!

I got a Venus' flower basket! Why was she picking flowers here?

Of course, I donated it to the museum.

Saharah was in town, so I bought most of her items this evening. That included a strawberry-chocolate wall, natural wooden-deck rug, yellow kilim-style carpet, and a train-station flooring.

Saharah: Ah, my favorite size! Now please I will accept the money-payment.

Able Sisters had all three colors of the cavalier shirts, so I bought the blue one I needed. I’m still wearing my referee outfit for now, though. It may or may not be my Halloween costume.

Rizzo told me a good story. He said that when he first started out with D.I.Y. crafting, he once hit his finger with the hammer! And then he dropped the hammer on his toe! 😀 I wish I had been around to see that!

Rizzo: I was hammerin' away with one hand when I hit my finger! Then I dropped the hammer on my toe...

Speaking of crafting, I did a little of that myself today. I made Bones the perfect gift: a bone doorplate! Actually, it would be perfect for any dog. But that fact that his name is Bones makes it doubly perfect. 😛

Bones: Wait a second! Are you kidding me? A bone doorplate?

In return, he gave me a tuna-sushi costume…which was not quite as perfect. 😛

October is winding down, so I need to be thinking about my Halloween island tour video! I still want to add a couple more small attractions first, though. I have a couple ideas in mind, but I’ll have to figure out if I have enough free pattern design slots for everything I want to do.

Reminder for people on my Switch friend roster: I am planning on having Friday Night Forest this week. Wear a costume if you’d like.