Buried Alive!

Last night, Celeste was in town for a meteor shower. She gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a star pochette.

Today, I had a camper at the campsite. And just in time for Halloween, it was Elise the frightening monkey. She looks uglier than ever in New Horizons.

I was shocked to see Elise at the campsite.

Hornsby asked me to play a treasure hunt game, but he only gave me three minutes (instead of the usual six). It took me about a minute and 20 seconds to find the item near Midge’s house; it was an anorak jacket.

Shortly after 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Alex from A-Nation, Timo, Ros, Crazy Redd Alex from Pawnee, and Logan came over.

Alex from Pawnee, dressed as Crazy Redd, comes over to visit.

After everyone browsed through the free recipes, we headed over to the graveyard. I set up some stools so that we could all be buried alive. Falling into holes like this is something we hadn’t done in a while, and I figured Halloween was a good time to bring it back. 🙂

Buried alive!
Buried alive!

We then headed over to the Halloween race course for a tournament. Even though I didn’t properly explain my plan at the start, the first two people to finish from each round would advance to the finals.

Alex, Alex, Logan, and Ros competed in the first race. Crazy Redd (Alex from Pawnee) was the winner, and right as he won, Xavier came over. Alex from A-Nation finished second, so both Alexes qualified for the finals.

In the second round, it was me, Timo, Xavier…and we had room for one more, so Alex from A-Nation took the other spot. Looking back, it should have been Logan or Ros taking that extra spot, since Alex had already qualified for the finals. I wasn’t paying enough attention. Sorry, Logan and Ros!

This was my first time competing in the race, but I still had home-field advantage. 😛 I utilized a technique that nobody had used in previous races: I filled in my first hole with my feet. Even though it slows you a bit down at the start, it saves more time at the end, because you don’t have to fall into it on the way back.

Starting the Halloween race.

Even though Timo got back to the start first, I was first to drop my skeleton. But both of us advanced to the finals. 😛

In the finals, I actually finished first. Even though I enjoyed racing on the course, I know it doesn’t seem fair for me to win on my own course that I designed. 😛 So I gave the “champion” title to Crazy Redd, who was hot on my tail. Afterwards, we took some photos on the course.

A group photo on the Halloween race course.

After everyone went to meet Elise, we also went to say hi to Bones. A couple people got locked out because Bones “went to sleep” at 11:00 (even though some of us were inside talking to him).

We went to the graveyard to fall into holes again (since Xavier didn’t get to do it the first time), and then we played a sumo tournament. In the finals, Xavier beat me for the win.

Jeff and Xavier fall into pitfalls during a game of sumo.

Alex from A-Nation left, but the rest of us played a six-player round of sumo. Timo was the winner of that one.

After some wand-waving, net-sprinkling, swimming, and Jeff-killing, Logan left for the night. I wondered if any of my villagers were crafting, and Xavier told me that Tia was crafting. I went to Tia’s house, but her lights were off and she was sleeping. Very funny, Xavier. Or at least, that’s what I thought…until I saw Alex and Timo go inside!

Timo enters Tia's closed house.

This isn’t the same as what happened at Bones’s house earlier. There, some of us just happened to get inside right before he locked his door at 11:00. But here, it wasn’t the top of the hour, and her house was open for everyone but me.

Around 12:30, I ended the session for the night. Thanks to all who came, it was fun! 🙂 Have a great weekend and I’ll see you next time!