Scary Night in Pawnee

It was raining in town today, and Keaton was out in the rain for an odd reason: He said he was method acting, playing a guy who forgot his umbrella.

Keaton: What am I doing out in the rain? It's called method acting! I'm playing a guy who forgot his umbrella.

I found a lost item (a bag) on the ground, so I investigated. The bag had buttons and pins of different pop stars, so I knew it either belonged to Agent S or Apple. I took it to Agent S, and sure enough, it was hers!

Agent S: Thank you SO much! This thing's been missing for forever!

She was thrilled to have it back, and she said I deserved a totally fab reward. So she gave me…a sweatshirt. Oof. Haven’t I earned her photo by now?

K.K. Slider was in town, and he played one of the worst K.K. songs: K.K. Song. Tia, Midge, and Hornsby joined me in suffering through this song, in the rain.

K.K. wraps up a song.

Alex from Pawnee invited me over to his town tonight, so I headed over about 9:15. His friend Megan joined in, as did Logan. Apparently Jj and Nami were also trying to join in, but they couldn’t. So Alex tried ending the session and reopening. I waited several minutes and then returned. But it was still the same issue: Logan and Megan could enter, but not Jj or Nami.

Anyway, Alex showed us his new ruins on the beach. It reminded me of some areas in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. 😛

The Pawnee ruins.

He pitfall’d me there, and Logan pitfall’d me a bit later on. 😛

Logan pitfalls Jeff.

And to think I’ve been nice and haven’t been using (many) pitfall seeds lately. Maybe I need to start again. 😛

Alex had a number of Halloween decorations and horror scenes around Pawnee, including this one featuring an evil doll and an axe.

A horror scene in Pawnee.

After Megan left and the rest of us went for a swim, we went over to Alex’s house. His main room was decorated in spooky furniture, and there was even a scary movie on TV!

Alex: There is even a horror flick.

Around 11:00, I returned home. Thanks for the fun, Alex, Logan, and Megan!

2 thoughts on “Scary Night in Pawnee”

    1. I saw Hornsby once. But my sister thinks he’s ugly and forced me to pass him. I then found Judy so I’m kind of happy? 💁

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