Fish Slop, Nose Glop

Yesterday, Flick was in town to buy bugs. I sold him two scorpions and a tiger beetle (that’s all I had) for 26,250 bells.

In front of town hall, Bones was singing K.K. Dirge for Midge and Rizzo. They were sitting on the ground like children, seemingly fascinated by the song. It was cute!

Bones sings K.K. Dirge for Midge, Rizzo, and Jeff.
I almost want to call him B.B. Slider.

Today, I found Gullivarrr washed up on the beach. As usual, he was missing his communicator.

Gullivarrr, looking for his phone: So long as I've got me trusty ol' communicator, I'll be just...uh.

I went diving in the ocean and found it on my first attempt. He’ll be sending me a gift in the mail tomorrow.

When I visited Hornsby, he went on and on about how much he liked his argyle sweater. He said it goes with everything…even bug dirt, fish slop, and nose glop. 😮 That’s disgusting! 😛

Hornsby: Snack dust, oolong tea, bug dirt, fish slop, nose glop...this outfit goes with everything, schnozzle!
Don’t act like a pig. You’re not Daisy Mae.

Tia had a new nickname for me, and it’s one I don’t think I’ve heard before: J-bug.

Tia: I'm so glad you like it! Looks like I'll be calling you J-bug from now on, with cream.
Now I’ll fit right in on Hornsby’s shirt.

Later on, I found Wisp hanging out in Pumpkin Park.


I collected his spirits for him, and he gave me a sepia puzzle wall.

As you probably know, Animal Crossing villagers sometimes share their catchphrases with other villagers. But for once, I actually witnessed that exchange. I saw Tia standing behind a tree, and I couldn’t really tell what she was doing. So I spoke with her, and it turned out, she was talking with Bones. Bones complimented her catchphrase, and she told him to use it. And just like that, he adopted the catchphrase “with cream.”

Tia: Thank you very much, with cream! Feel free to use it yourself.

Yesterday, I posted Wi-Fi Moments #14, with Halloween-themed online highlights. Check it out if you haven’t seen it yet!

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