Rosetta Stone, FNF

Yesterday, Redd’s ship was docked at the north beach. By comparing his works of art to my own previous screenshots, it looked like his serene painting was fake, his academic painting was also fake, and his informative statue was real. He also had a graceful painting that I wasn’t sure about. But since I still needed the informative statue for my museum, I went for the sure thing.

Nook’s Cranny was buying turnips for 138 bells apiece, so I sold my turnips for a total of 138,000 bells. It’s not a huge profit, but with Halloween things going on this week, I decided to just ensure a profit since I knew the next couple of days would be busy.

I updated my dream and then recorded my island tour for Halloween. If you’d like to see it, here is the video. It shows a couple of new things that have not been mentioned or shown in the blog before (mainly because they’re new). 😛

Today, I received the informative statue (the Rosetta Stone) from Jolly Redd. I took it over to the museum, and Blathers confirmed its authenticity.

Description of the informative statue: A stone slab found in Rosetta, Egypt in 1799. Helped efforts to decipher ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

I did a little diving, and I found a scallop. Pascal popped up and told me the reason why they don’t make movies like they used to. 😀

Pascal: They don't make movies like they used to. They probably can't. That equipment must be busted by now.

Bones told me that he saw Ros recently, and she was using a transformation wand to change outfits. Bones said that he would like to try doing that too.

Bones: DING! I'm a superhero! DING! I'm an astronaut! DING! I'm a princess! DING! I'm Bones!

Label was in town, and she again wanted to see me in some “vacation” clothing. She gave me a peasant blouse. I wasn’t sure what to wear with it, so I just put it on and asked her to judge me, as is. Of course, she wasn’t thrilled with the partial vacation outfit. But she’ll still be sending me a tailors ticket in the mail.

Agent S was thinking about moving out of town, but I quickly helped her change her mind.

Shortly after 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Logan, Alex from Pawnee, and Xavier came over to visit. After some xylobone-playing, fountain fireworks, and a couple of pitfalls, I led them to my new ghost gallery.

Logan, Jeff, Xavier, and Alex hang out in the ghost gallery.

We went to The Bone Depot, where Bones taught us a DIY recipe for a golden dung beetle. After that, we hung out at the plaza for a bit and then competed in a Halloween race. Since we only had four players, I also competed. But Alex beat me in a close race. You can see him dropping his skeleton in this pic.

Alex drops a furniture item during a Halloween race.

At about 10:30, Logan left for the night. We hung out at the campsite for a while, until Decco arrived. This was Decco’s first time visiting. We stood on one foot over by the museum…

Standing on one foot with Decco.

But just four minutes after arriving, Decco left abruptly. 🤷 At the amusement park, Alex and I were playing foosball, while Xavier got a jackpot at the Brake Tapper machine!

Three of a kind on the Brake Tapper.

We visited Midge, headed to Death Valley, and then went swimming and diving.

About 11:10, Alex had to go, so I just decided to end the session for the night. It was an unusually light crowd tonight. Of course, it is Halloween weekend, and there’s a Splatfest going on in Splatoon 2 as well. But thanks to everyone who came, I had fun. 🙂

Tomorrow is Halloween, and we’ll finally get to experience Halloween in New Horizons for the first time! 🎃 It should be fun! Check back tomorrow night for my blog entry. I’ll also be making a video, but the video probably won’t go up until Sunday. Happy Halloween weekend, everyone!