On the daily newscast today, Isabelle mentioned that it is now mushroom season. Mushrooms will pop up around town, and she sent me a DIY recipe for a mushroom wreath. I found a total of five mushrooms around town today: two flat mushrooms, two round mushrooms, and one elegant mushroom.

And yes, it was raining again today. I think that makes three of the last four days that it’s rained.
The Happy Home Academy informed me that my house scored 129,341 points. Maybe I should keep that spooky carriage in my house, after all.
K.K. Slider was at the plaza today, after being bumped yesterday because of Halloween. And he had quite a crowd around: Midge, Tybalt, Keaton, and Apple. And yet he wasn’t even performing yet! It’s funny that he draws bigger crowds warming up than he does when he actually performs!

As for Halloween decorations, I haven’t done much work on cleaning them up yet. But I did remove the ghost gallery, and ordered a change to my house exterior.
I returned later once K.K. was performing, and he played K.K. Chorale for me. I earned 1,000 Nook Miles for attending my 30th K.K. show.

After Friday Night Forest on Friday and Halloween yesterday, I had a shorter play session today and didn’t do a whole lot. But I’ll be back with another entry soon. Have a good day!
I got the mushroom announcement and wreath recipe a day late because someone moved in on the 1st, but there were already mushrooms appearing.
I’m actually keeping my Halloween party/festival stuff up for a while yet. It finally got me five stars, and I will need to come up with a dang good replacement.
You seem to like your purple eyes! You haven’t even recolored them yet!
Haha, oops! I didn’t even realize. I’ll change them now.
I have to say, Halloween was the best event so far. However I have really high hopes for Thanksgiving and Toy day because of the new mechanics in New Horizons.