Grilling at the Plaza

Yesterday, I found a lost item on the ground. It was a comic book that had a girl with big, sparkling eyes on the cover. I asked Midge about it, and she suggested that it might belong to Agent S. I took it over to the superhero squirrel, and she confirmed that it was hers.

Agent S: Whoa, I totes cannot believe you found this! I thought this comic was lost forever!

She gave me a mountain parka for returning the book.

Marina the octopus was camping at the campsite. I really like Marina, but not quite enough to kick someone out.

Marina: Hi there! Do you live here? You're so lucky--I'm just visiting, blurp.

Wisp was in town last night, and he rewarded me with some sweatpants for recovering his spirits for him.

Today, Gulliver was washed up on the beach. I found his five communicator pieces for him, so he’ll be sending me a gift in the mail tomorrow.

Three of my largest villagers–Keaton, Tybalt, and Louie–were hanging out at the plaza, grilling and eating. I don’t know what the occasion was, but it’s making me hungry. 😉

Keaton, Tybalt, and Louie grilling some food.

Note: No Friday Night Forest this week.

3 thoughts on “Grilling at the Plaza”

  1. This is what I was talking about when I mentioned “something that was giving me Tomodachi Life flashbacks”. Kind of surprised it took you so long to see it, though to be fair I’ve only seen it exactly three times and only one of those was after I first mentioned it here.

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