Yucca, Blowfish

It’s Saturday night, and that means it’s K.K. night! I asked him for a random song, and he performed “Wandering” for me, Keaton, Bones, and Rizzo. I enjoyed how Rizzo seemed to be on the other side of K.K. from the rest of us. 😛

K.K. Slider performs for Keaton, Jeff, Bones, and Rizzo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

After the show, I shook a tree and something called “Yucca” fell out! That sounded a bit too close to Yuka for my tastes. But I checked it out, and it’s just a potted plant. 😛

The Yucca plant item in ACNH.

I later wrapped it up and gave it to Midge. In return, she gave me a suit with stand-up collar.

Even though we’re nearly halfway through November, I still have only acquired two of the mushroom DIY recipes! And one of them was from Isabelle. It’s not looking good for me unlocking them all before November is over. Unless the pace picks up, that is…but I have no idea if/why it would.

I put on my island designer hat and I experimented with making some cliffs just south of the sumo ring. It could provide some seating to watch sumo battles from up in the air. It still looks pretty rough, and I may not keep it…but it’s worth playing around with to see if the idea pans out.

My possible new area overlooking the sumo ring.

I put one of the spooky arches from that area in my house. The Happy Home Academy will be grading houses overnight, so I thought I better at least make a minor change.

When I went back outside, I caught my first blowfish. And of course, I made sure to donate it to the museum.

I caught a blowfish! I'm blown away!

I was unable to give Bones a present today, because he was seated near K.K. for the entire time I played tonight. Until 11:00 p.m., that is, when he was sleeping in his house. 😛

I posted my latest video today, New Horizons Moments #4. I hope you’ll give it a watch.

See you all next time!

7 thoughts on “Yucca, Blowfish”

  1. Is the “game show stand” item from New Leaf (as seen in the dream towns of Funkytwn and Highway) in this game? If not, any suggestions as to reasonable substitutes? I’d like to make a section of my island an outdoor “Jeopardy” set.

  2. Hey Jeff. I’ve been experiencing some New Horizons burnout recently. I however have kept reading your blogs and they have made me decide to start playing regularly again. So thanks to you I won’t be missing out on the November activities.

    1. Yeah, I think a lot of people have burned out on Animal Crossing lately. But thanks for still reading the blog, and I’m glad you won’t be missing out on the November stuff. And we should be getting another game update in the next week to week and a half! 🙂

  3. I have (I think) all the acorn and pinecone recipes, but my 🤬 trees keep giving me branches and the occasional wasp nest! So I don’t think I’ll be able to actually make all of those recipes (let alone more than one of each thing) until next year at least.

  4. Shoot down every single balloon you see. Don’t ignore a single one. That’s the only way you’ll get all those mush DIYs (plus the maple leaf DIYs coming up). That’s how I got all the mush DIYs in three days: balloon hunting with the speakers up high to listen for them.

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