Winter Update Trailer Thoughts

If you haven’t heard the news, Nintendo posted a new trailer for the winter update coming up on “Thursday” (which will likely be available Wednesday night). Check it out!

It looks pretty good overall, IMO. It’s interesting that they’ve changed the name of the Thanksgiving event from the Harvest Festival to Turkey Day. Perhaps because it’s spring in the southern hemisphere, and not time to harvest for them?

The Turkey Day event itself appears similar to the New Leaf event, where Franklin is the chef…and not the main course. However, one element of the early games has returned: the festive atmosphere with villagers around the tables! Nice touch.

Turkey Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Toy Day also seems much like the New Leaf version, where we help Jingle deliver presents. The update will also include some new hairstyles (including an afro and a bald head) and new reactions (including sitting)! We can also expand our storage from 1600 items to 2400. That’s amazing, but I haven’t even filled up my initial storage. 😀 I think I’d rather have some more design storage at this point, though.

The next update will come in late January, and it will add Pave (and presumably, Festivale). For a moment, I wondered why they didn’t mention a New Year’s event. But apparently, the New Year’s event was already in the game so it didn’t need to be added via update.

Unfortunately, there was no mention of multiplayer online games, the Roost, gyroids, or any of the many other features that are still missing in action. Although some sites are reporting that the ability to visit random dream towns is returning. That will be a nice addition, but it’s still a pretty minor thing.

Meanwhile, in Forest…

Flick was in town today, and his presence feels like a waste this time of year. I ended up selling him a few wasps I caught, but that’s it.

I shot down a couple of balloon presents, but I didn’t get any new recipes from them. One contained a pennant, and one gave me 5,000 bells.

Honestly, not much was going on in town tonight. But tomorrow is Tia’s birthday, so I’ll be back with another entry then. Never Stop Crossing!

3 thoughts on “Winter Update Trailer Thoughts”

  1. I do not like how the Harvest Festival and Toy Day are going to be similar to New Leaf. I did not like the New Leaf events as much as the other games. Halloween was an improvement from New Leaf but still was not great. I am looking forward to the new emotions and the extra storage space. I would rather have more design storage than item storage.

  2. To me I think the first year of New Horizons they are interested in adding in the holidays and their associated characters and nothing else. Then the second year of New Horizons they will start adding in other characters like Brewster and Kapp’n.

  3. Well, they’ve staved off the need for me to create another “player” for my island, as I actually have otherwise run into a storage crisis.

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