Tia’s Birthday, Winter Update

Gulliver was in town today, and I helped him out by finding the five pieces of his communicator for him. In return, he’ll send me a gift in the mail tomorrow.

Today is Tia’s birthday, so I made my way to her party (where Agent S was also in attendance). I gave her a mama bear that I bought at the store. Happy birthday, Tia!

Tia: Oh, with cream! You brought me a Mama bear!

When I visited Louie, he started talking about “Buster,” and I was really confused. But he told me that Buster is the name of his favorite bicep.

Louie: When I'm trying to get an apple from a tree, Buster never fails me.

Shortly before 10:00 tonight, I downloaded the new winter update. I received a letter from Nintendo thanking me, and a yule log was attached to the letter.

The yule log from Nitnendo.

I went in my house and went to bed to speak with Luna. She informed me that we can now visit “surprise” (random) dream islands. She asked if I would like to allow other people to visit my island when choosing to be surprised, and I said yes.

Luna: No Dream Address is needed. I will simply pluck a pleasant dream from the internet for you to experience.

However, agreeing to this also updates your dream town immediately! So my dream is now updated with my house littered with turnips, my town littered with free DIY recipes on the ground, and at nighttime. (I usually like to update my dream after cleaning up and in the daytime). I’ll have to try to clean up and update it properly tomorrow or the next day.

After that, I headed to town hall to take advantage of some other new features of the update. I spoke with Tom Nook, and he told me about the ability to upgrade my item storage. It requires 500,000 bells…immediately. He does not offer a loan for this upgrade. I got the money out of my account and paid him. My storage will be available tomorrow morning.

Tom Nook: Now, for various reasons, I can't offer a loan for this. You'll have to pay 500,000 bells up front.

Next, I went over to the Nook Stop. I redeemed 1,800 Nook Miles for the six new hairstyles, and another 2,700 Nook Miles for the new reactions. They include “sit down,” “wave goodbye,” “take a picture,” “sniff sniff,” “work out,” yoga, “here you go,” excited, and “ta-da.”

Animated GIF of Jeff using the work out emotion in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for Nintendo Switch.

I really like the new emotions, but I think “sit down” has got to be my favorite. It has me thinking that maybe I don’t even need those benches at the top of the cliffs I made recently. People could just sit on the edge of the cliff and watch sumo.

Do you have a favorite part of the new update? Let me know in the comments!

Just FYI, I’m planning on having Friday Night Forest this week…but instead of opening for friends, I think I’ll use a Dodo Code to open for anyone. I still want to give friends the first chance to come in, though. So if you’re a regular to FNF (or someone I know), please message me (on Twitter or elsewhere) ahead of time* so I can let you know the Dodo Code before I post it publicly. When I do post it, it will probably be on Twitter…although I might also post it to the end of Thursday’s blog entry.

*(Note: Please message me on Friday, shortly before 10pm Eastern time. I can’t make promises to anyone now, because I’ll need to see who’s available at that time. And please keep in mind, regular visitors to Forest will get the first chance to join.)

See you all next time!

5 thoughts on “Tia’s Birthday, Winter Update”

  1. Wow, thank you. I wouldn’t have bought the new reactions if I didnt read your article. Cool I can sit without a cushion, and yoga while my villagers are working out πŸ€—

  2. My fav part is 10000000% sitting down! It’s going to make such cute photos with the villagers πŸ™‚ I also love how you can now visit random dream islands without having the code!!

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