Turnip Jackpot

Gulliver sent me my latest reward in the mail: a nutcracker. I suppose that’s a good thing to have around with Christmas coming up next month.

The nutcracker item from Gulliver in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I also received a letter from Tia, thanking me for the birthday gift yesterday. She sent me a trench coat. 😛

At Nook’s Cranny, I grew very excited when I saw that today’s turnip price was 535 bells!

Timmy: The current price for turnips is 535 bells per turnip!

I ran home and grabbed my 1,100 turnips and took them back to Timmy. He bought them all for a grand total of 588,500 bells. Nice! I also earned 1,000 Nook Miles for the third stalk market achievement (earning over 100k in turnip profits).

Leif was in town, and he did have pumpkin starts for sale this time (not that I needed any). So he does still carry them outside of October, just not every time he visits.

Before it got dark, I straightened up my town a bit and updated my dream. I still had a few DIY recipes on the beach, and I still have some of my Halloween stuff up, but at least my town is semi-presentable this time. 😛 Just go to dream address 6717-1633-3682 to visit!

Later on, I added a few flowers (but not too many) to my new cliffs. Since most of the flowers were cosmos, the name “Cosmos Canyon” came to mind…but I’m not sure if I’m going to stick with that. 😛

Cosmos Canyon?

Since my shop had such a great price for turnips, I decided to share the wealth. Around 9:30, I posted a Dodo Code on Twitter and Youtube for anyone who wanted to sell some turnips. Caitlyn, Puo, Mr Egg, Liz, and Jan came over. As Calvin tried to join in, we all got disconnected. Oof.

I reopened, and Jan, Liz, Andy, Calvin, Benjamin, and JP9 came over…but by that point, there was only two more minutes until Nook’s Cranny closed! Several of the visitors also checked out my free DIY recipe pile, and I let a couple people get some fruit and pitfall seeds.

My visitors after they finished selling turnips.

Even though I said tipping wasn’t necessary, I still got some tips. JP9 actually gave me 90 gold nuggets, which I said I didn’t need, but he insisted… so I’ll probably use them as future game prizes.

I ended the session a few minutes after 10:00. I’m sorry if anyone didn’t get to sell their turnips (particularly before the disconnection), but I hope you all enjoyed your brief time in Forest and made some money and/or learned some new recipes. I may do this again sometime if I get a great turnip price…although I might do it differently. It would be much less chaotic if I just invited a few people at a time. It’s hard to get things done when there’s another person joining every two seconds. 😛

Anyway, I’ll be back tomorrow with another entry. I’ll be opening with a Dodo Code, but friends will get the first opportunity to join.

Once I get a full house, I’ll be hosting my final Halloween races before I remove the course. There will be two semifinals, with the top two finishers from each semifinal advancing to the final. Hope to see you then!