Peach Park 2.0

I found Gullivarrr washed up on the beach today. I went diving for his communicator, and I found it on my first attempt. He will be sending me a gift in the mail tomorrow.

Gullivarrr: Arrr... Buccaneer? That's a bit out of me price range. Could I talk ye into a discount for both ears? Zzz...

Tybalt was hanging out in a weird place today. He was sitting under an apple tree, but right up against his house (and facing his house). It just looked really awkward.

Tybalt sits under a tree, facing his house.

In other news, Keaton asked about moving away. I told him to stick around a while longer. I don’t want anyone to leave before Rizzo right now. Once Rizzo is gone, I may consider letting some of the others leave…including Keaton, and maybe Midge as well (after I get her photo, of course).

Over the last few days, I’ve been working on some changes to Peach Park. I’ve actually been planning on these changes for months, but this seemed like a good time to do it since I had to remove my old Halloween decorations anyway.

On a new piece of land that juts out into the river, I added a cliff and some small waterfalls. I also changed the direction of the path, added more benches, replaced the pond, added more peach trees, and so on. Oh, and the park is larger now. Here are two pictures of Peach Park 2.0.

Peach Park 2.0 in Forest.
Peach Park 2.0 in Forest.

Note that it still isn’t 100% complete, because I want to add more flowers. But even besides that, it feels like it still needs something else. I’m just not sure what.

Working outdoors has resulted in me getting more balloon presents than usual, and I’ve finally started to get a few more of the seasonal recipes. That included the mushroom wand, maple-leaf umbrella, mush partition, and maple-leaf pochette. I believe tomorrow is the last day for maple leaves (and maple leaf recipes), but we have until the end of the month for the mushroom stuff.

By the way, I posted Wi-Fi Moments #15 today, including some aerobics in the plaza. I hope you’ll check it out!

See you all next time! 🙂