Pirate Pants, At Last

I received my gift from Gullivarrr in the mail today, and it was some badly-needed pirate pants!

Trying on the pirate pants.

Of course my pirate outfit is still not complete, but it certainly helps to have some pants. Finally, I don’t have to walk around pantsless every time I dress as a pirate! 😛

Saharah was in town, and I bought everything she had except for the small rug. I ended up with a pink heart rug, straw wall, red-and-blue checked rug, and paintball flooring.

Saharah: Speak to me again when your pockets contain more emptiness.

When I visited Bones, I was afraid he was going to eat me! 😮

Bones: Oh man...so yummy... C'mere... I wanna fit you in my tummy... Huuoouuuaahhhh!

Just kidding. He was just dreaming…of eating somebody. 🤷

I was happy to find Celeste over by the museum tonight. She taught me the recipe for a Sagittarius arrow.

Celeste: Oh, good evening! Aren't the stars just exquisite tonight?

Over at Peach Park, I made some more changes. I added another waterfall to the east, and a small piece of land just south of it. I had to trim some of the land west of Midge’s house to keep the river from becoming too narrow, but it worked out pretty well, I think. But I may not be done with the area just yet…

An updated look at Peach Park.

I shot down some more balloon presents and learned a recipe for a leaf stool. But I also got a duplicate mushroom wreath recipe, which I’ll add to my free DIY pile for the next time I open my gate. And speaking of which, I just want to let you know that there will be no Friday Night Forest this week.

I’ll be back with my Turkey Day blog entry tomorrow, and I’ll be posting my Turkey Day video on Friday morning. So be sure to check them out!