Northern Lights

In the mail, I received my latest reward from Gulliver. He sent me a katana, which unfortunately doesn’t do anything. I remember one of the swords in City Folk would hover in the air when you “used” it, so it’s a bit disappointing that this doesn’t do the same.

The katana from Gulliver in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) on Nintendo Switch.

I built another snowboy today, and he gave me a DIY recipe for a frozen pillar. Pretty cool.

Later on, I took some black roses over to Adrian’s town of Cancun. Enjoy the roses, Adrian!

At Able Sisters, I bought the Santa coat and Santa beard…in case I need them for Toy Day.

Trying on the Santa coat and Santa beard at Able Sisters.

I found a lost book on the ground, and the cover said “xtreme xercises.” This book gets lost more than Rizzo in a rat maze. I asked Louie about it, and he told me it was Tybalt’s book. When I took it over to Tybalt, he gave me an essay set to thank me for returning the book.

When I visited Rizzo, he was talking about a scary banana that tasted like wood, and he also mentioned a talking carrot. I think he’s gone senile. Oh sure, he might claim he was just dreaming, but I don’t believe that for a second!

Rizzo: Tastes like wood...scary banana...never trust a talking carrot... Mmmm.

K.K. Slider was in town, and he played K.K. Bazaar for me. It’s not a bad song. But unfortunately, no other villagers attended the show with me.

When I returned home, I found Louie sitting in my frozen chair, eating a sandwich! What’s the big idea, big guy?

Louie sits in my frozen chair, eating a sandwich.

As I shot down a balloon present (which contained 5,000 bells), I noticed northern lights in the sky! This was my first time seeing them in New Horizons, so I found a nearby bridge and took a picture from there. Pretty!

The northern lights (aurora borealis) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

I posted a new video today, featuring more quick comparisons between the main five Animal Crossing games. I hope you’ll check it out!

And if you didn’t see the first part from a couple weeks ago, here’s the link: Quick Comparisons.

Have a great weekend and Happy Holidays! I’ll be back with another entry soon. 🙂

10 thoughts on “Northern Lights”

  1. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for the quick comparison movie and amazing work on the blog. I love the fact that you’re still playing through the original GameCube version! I’m still saddened by the fact that there is so much emphasis on crafting/world shaping, and so little on villager interaction in the Switch AC version.

    1. Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the video and the blog! 🙂 Personally, I love the world shaping aspect of New Horizons, but I know it’s not for everyone. I agree that the villager interaction is lacking, though. Thanks for the comment! 🙂

    1. you have the same fate as me. you can see it on june till september. i havent even seen one yet. next year maybe? oh and because you in southern hemisphere you can enjoy the bugs coming till february.

  2. I always get a bit sad when I see the comparison videos; it’s like, I love NH but it could have been so much more. I REALLY miss the pelican trio for instance.

    Maybe we’ll see them again some day.

    1. I actually don’t mind a lot of the characters being cut, but the thing that annoys me most is that new players don’t even know that Resetti is in the game or who he is. The Rescue Service is such an underused feature, combined with the fact that Resetti is just called an Operator and the only hint to him actually being in the game is his iconic theme in the background. I wouldn’t even consider him to be in the game, and it’s really saddening because he was such a good character.

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