Merry Christmas!

As I started up the game today, Isabelle cheerily informed me that they’ll be taking down the festive tree in front of town hall tomorrow. I wonder what the rush is? But she suggested taking a picture of it while I still can, so I did. Forest’s two jocks were also there, hanging out by the tree.

Jeff, Louie, and Tybalt hang out at the festive tree one last time.

In my house, I checked out the Toy Day stockings, and found something inside…

Hold on... There's something inside!

It was Jingle’s photo! While that is the same reward he sent in New Leaf, I was still a bit surprised because I guess I didn’t realize that special characters even had photos in New Horizons.

All of my villagers mentioned how great Toy Day was. They were thrilled to get a present from Santa and a present from me.

Apple: Do you even KNOW how great my Toy Day was, thanks to you? It was tres awesome, so be jolly!

Bones had a slightly different take, though. He said the best part of Toy Day was the sound of the wrapping paper…because it sounded like eating chips! Okay, I guess Bones is a bit of an odd dog.

Bones: And the best part? The sound the wrapping paper made. It sounded just like eating potato chips!

Gullivarrr was in town, washed up on the shore. It took me three diving attempts to find his communicator, and he will be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

I rolled up another snowboy, and he taught me how to make a snowperson head. The thought of displaying a decapitated snowman head sounded a bit morbid, but it’s not quite what I imagined. It’s just a snowman hat. 😛

The DIY recipe for a snowperson head in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Later on tonight, Logan opened up his town of Moonscar for a Christmas party. Alex from A-Nation, Nami, Nicky, Jesse, and Jj were also there. Chibi (Ivy) also joined in a bit later.

Logan has really decorated his island nicely for the holidays, with lots of items I haven’t even unlocked yet.

Festive decorations in Logan's town of Moonscar.

He showed us around the many festive attractions, including his Toy Day vs. Halloween obstacle course.

Logan's Toy Day vs. Halloween obstacle course.

We eventually got disconnected, but I had a good time. Thanks to Logan and everyone at the party. It was fun! 🙂

Back in my town, I finally took my Halloween furniture out of my main room and put it into storage. I put up an ice wall and floor, but the room is still mostly empty for now. All my ice furniture is outdoors still.

Sorry for the delay, but my Toy Day video may not be up until Sunday. But I’ll also have New Horizons Moments #5 coming up next week.

I hope you all are having a happy holiday season. Merry Christmas!