Gulliver sent me my latest reward in the mail, and it was just a silk hat.

I also got a letter from the Snowboy I built yesterday; he sent me a frozen bed. And over at Candy Cane Lane, I built another perfect Snowboy. I guess I got my snojo back.

C.J. was in town, and he had a seasports challenge for me. I just had to catch five fish in a row.

After completing the challenge, I grabbed a bunch of fish out of storage. C.J. bought them all for 145,800 bells. When I put the money into my bank account, my balance topped 15 million bells for the first time.
I bought a bunk bed at Nook’s Cranny, wrapped it up, and gave it to Midge. In return, she gave me her photo! Wow!

That’s two villager photos in two days! Here is a look at the picture. Midge’s favorite quote is “When the world gets cold, just fly south.” I’m wondering if this quote is reversed in the southern hemisphere, because it wouldn’t make sense there (flying south would be even colder).

I now have photos from all ten of my current villagers! (Plus Lopez’s photo as well.) And with that, that removes one of my daily goals to work towards…at least until I get a new villager. And as anyone who has been playing this game daily for the past 9.5 months could tell you, there are often days when nothing significant happens.
I’ve been posting five blog entries per week lately, but I’m now going to drop the frequency a bit. Generally there will be four entries per week now, and occasionally more, if a lot is going on.
I’m not planning on having Friday Night Forest this week, so there may not be an entry tomorrow. But there will be one on Saturday, as I participate in the fishing tournament. See you then!