Yesterday, Agent S was sick with a cold. I bought some medicine for her, and she rewarded me with a soft-serve hat.
Saharah was in town, so I bought a backyard-fence wall and train-station flooring from her. I didn’t bother buying any rugs this time.
When I visited Rizzo, he informed me that I had an ant on me!

He offered to buy it for 120 bells, and I accepted the deal.
Today, C.J. was in town with a seasports challenge for me: He wanted me to catch three big-time fish in a row. So I caught a yellow perch and two dace(s) to complete the challenge.

I grabbed some fish from storage to sell him. He gave me 246,750 bells for 12 sturgeons, five football fish, two red snappers, two koi, and two oarfish.
As usual, a few tools broke today, and I crafted their replacements. In the process, I hit a new Nook Miles milestone: I earned 1,000 Nook Miles for crafting my 1,000th tool.
Update Time
Later on, I downloaded the new game update. Nintendo sent me a letter with some maracas attached. That will be a fun thing to play with during Festivale…or any time, really.

There are some new seasonal items available, including a bean-tossing kit (like the beans from New Leaf), a Resetti model for Groundhog Day, and two Super Bowl-related items. I ordered the beans right away, but I’m waiting a few days on the others (because I’m still ordering items for my race).

Even though Nintendo’s update teaser video from the other day made it appear that rugs could be placed outdoors, that is not the case. I tried it tonight. Apparently the item shown is just a flat furniture item (like a manhole cover) that you get for Festivale, and not a rug.
I have not noticed any other changes in my short time with the update. However, Jen at Crystal Dreams pointed out that you can now get a mermaid fence recipe from Pascal (in exchange for a scallop, of course). Have you all noticed anything else different in the update? Leave a comment below!
My obstacle course/race is nearing completion. The current plan is to hold my first race during Friday Night Forest. If you’re on my friend roster and plan on visiting either this week or in the coming weeks, please consider downloading my Buddy the Elf outfit.
The plan is for the first four visitors who have the outfit to race first. (Those four might be featured in my video of the race, but no promises.) If fewer than four people with the outfit visit on Friday, we’ll still race, I just won’t use that footage in my video.
See you all next time!
Can I come to your Friday Night Forest, if you can show your Dodo Code on this blog or YouTube? ‘Cause I don’t really use social media, and I’ve always wanted to take part in it sometime. Thanks in advance!
FNFs are typically just for friends. When I do open with a Dodo Code though, sometimes I post it to the blog as well as Twitter. It just depends. But yeah, if I post it publicly, that means anyone can come. I just don’t do that very often.
Okay, I understand. Thanks for the reminder.
Oh Jeff I’m curious, but what are your thoughts on the January update all together?
Well the main attraction is the Festivale event of course, and I can’t really judge that yet until I’ve seen it for myself. As for the other stuff, it’s mostly just very minor things (like a handful of new items), so there’s really not much to it. I was hoping for more, like a new feature or a returning NPC. So it is a bit disappointing, but hopefully the March update will be better.
New Horizons is still missing a lot of things from New Leaf, and I know we’re not getting everything back. But there are two omissions that are particularly glaring IMO: Multiplayer mini-games (Club Tortimer or something similar) and the Roost. If we still don’t have at least one of those by the game’s one-year anniversary, something is very wrong.
I did not expect Super Bowl items to be available.
Me neither! But I’m glad to see it. The football rug will look nice in my Browns-themed room (although I’m not sure how long I’ll keep the room up).
Actually they are calling it big game celebration.
“Super Bowl” is trademarked, so they couldn’t specifically say which “big game” it is. But Nintendo often uses generic names for events anyway, so that’s not a big surprise.