I’m Not Your Grandma!

Yesterday, I wanted to customize my robot hero to make it blue. But I was shocked when I saw that it requires 50 customization kits! That’s 30,000 bells worth just to give it a paint job! 😮 So I had to buy some more at the store, but I did it. Here’s a look at my freshly-painted blue robot hero.

My blue robot hero in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

When I visited Bones, he surprised me with a greeting I did not expect. He said “Hi, Grandma!” I’m not your grandma! But it turns out that he was just dreaming. Crazy dog. 😛

Bones: Hi, Grandma! I thought you were... Hraaarh!

Today, I found a lost item up near the campsite. It smelled like the minty sports creams (football cream?) that athletes use, so I knew it belonged to a jock.

A dusty, well-used bag. It vaguely smells like those minty sports creams that athletes use.

I asked Tybalt about it, but he said it looked like something Louie would use. So I took it to the local gorilla, and he thanked me by giving me a visual-punk outfit.

Flick was in town, so I grabbed some bugs out of storage to sell him. I sold him 15 wasps and six emperor butterflies for a total of 92k.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 92,250 bells for the bunch of them?

I consider wasps and emperor butterflies to be medium-priced bugs, and they’re the type I wouldn’t normally bother saving for Flick in summer. But in winter, there isn’t much variety when it comes to semi-valuable bugs, so I save them just so I have something to sell to Flick when he comes. 😛

See you all next time!

Mystic Statue

Yesterday, I received the mystic statue in the mail from Jolly Redd. I took it over to the museum, and Blathers confirmed its authenticity.

Mystic Statue - January 22nd, 2021 - Donated by Jeff

Keaton said he wanted to move out of town, but I changed his mind for him. As most of you know, I’m really trying to get Rizzo out…but it seems to be taking forever. So if Keaton asks me again in the next few weeks, I might give him a different answer. Forest really needs some fresh blood at this point.

I decided on a place to put my robot hero: right near the entrance to town. So instead of the pink and green frozen sculptures, you’ll soon see a giant robot welcoming visitors to Forest.

While diving, I pulled up a scallop. Pascal popped up, and I gave him the scallop. He said that if every star was a candle, we’d have wax all over the place. That’s… uh… enlightening.

Pascal: If every star were a candle...we'd have wax, like, ALL OVER the place.

Tonight, there was a heavy meteor shower going on…but no sign of Celeste.

Hornsby broke the 4th wall by telling me to move the right stick to look up at shooting stars…even though he didn’t know what that meant. 😛

Hornsby: If you move R to look up when you see a shooting star, your wish comes true!
Hornsby: I dunno what it means to move R, but it sounds neat and I hope it works for ya!

As you can see in those screenshots, K.K. Slider was in town. I let him pick a song for me, and he performed “Only Me.” Hornsby, Tia, Apple, and Keaton were all there to enjoy the song with me.

I visited some more dream islands lately, and I just posted a video today. Here is Dream Island Hopping #4:

Robot Hero

Midge used her catchphrase in an unusual way today: She said she forgot to eat lunch, for lunch!

Midge: I forgot to eat lunch, for dinner!
Maybe you can eat your lunch for dinner?

After checking the recycle box at town hall, I realized I had finally accumulated a total of 30 rusted parts. That, along with the rocket recipe I recently learned, meant I finally had everything I needed to make the robot hero!

The DIY recipe for the robot hero in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I made one, and it’s big…3 by 3 spaces. So it was hard to find a place to even put it down! But I temporarily put it on the beach, just to take a look at it. It’s really cool, and it shoots lasers out of its eyes!

The robot hero shoots lasers out of its eyes.
With the eye lasers, maybe I’ll call it Optometrist Prime. 😉

I actually don’t have any immediate plans to use it, but I will keep it in storage until the time comes to roll it out. 🙂 (Out of curiosity, I checked the selling price at Nook’s Cranny: 250,000 bells!)

More good news came in the form of Jolly Redd’s ship being anchored off the north shore. He had a fake serene painting, a fake detailed painting, a warrior statue I wasn’t sure about, and a real mystic statue. Naturally, I went with the sure thing.

Jolly Redd's selection of items for sale.

I also bought an anthurium plant and plastic canister from Redd, since they were color variations I didn’t already have in my catalog.

After leaving his ship, I got a Nook Phone notification for meeting a new Nook Miles goal. It was the “True Patron of the Arts” achievement, and I earned 1,000 Nook Miles for buying my 20th piece of art.

As for my obstacle course/race, it’s slowly coming along. I’m adding a theme to each obstacle (or set of obstacles). I still have some things to figure out, and I also have items to order and designs to make.