Famous Painting

Yesterday, Tybalt sent me some art in the mail. That was nice of him, even though I figured it was probably a fake like all the others that villagers have sent me.

Get pumped, glitter! I found this really awesome art thing when I was out on patrol the other night. I asked around and nobody claimed it, so I'm gifting it to you for all the awesome stuff you're always doing for us. Stay muscular! -Tybalt

Still, I took it over to the museum. I was shocked when Blathers told me that the famous painting was real! 😮 Wow, Tybalt! Thank you!!!

Famous Painting - January 18th, 2021 - Donated by Jeff

When I shot down a balloon present, I learned a DIY recipe for an iceberg wall.

I found Gulliver in town, washed up on the beach. I dug up his five communicator parts for him.

Today, I received my prize from Gulliver. And it was an “ancient administrator hat.” WHAT. IS. THIS.

Jeff tries on the ancient administrator hat in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Gulliver, you need to stop. I’m tempted to just keep your communicator parts for myself when you send me stuff like this.

Shortly after I started playing, my shovel broke. So I bought a new one at the store. I returned home, caught an ant, and then my net broke too. Two tools broken in my first 90 seconds. -.-

However, my day improved a bit when I found Celeste in town! She taught me the DIY recipe for a rocket, which is one that I’ve wanted for a while.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a rocket!
Rocket? Yeah!

Saharah was also in town today, and I bought one of everything from her. That included a magic-circle rug, mangrove wall, blue Persian rug, flowing-river flooring, and a green kitchen mat.

Bones was shopping in Nook’s Cranny, and he commented on the temperature in the store. He said it was so warm in there that he felt like a cup of hot cocoa, full of marshmallows.

Bones: It's so warm in here! Makes me feel like I'm a cup of hot cocoa, full of marshmallows!

He then admitted that he actually was full of marshmallows right now. 😀

Bones: I...actually am full of marshmallows right now. Chock. Full.

After identifying some fossils at the museum and collecting Nook Miles for the task, I earned more Nook Miles. For the “Nook Miles for Miles” achievement, I earned 3,000 Nook Miles for completing my 3,000th Nook Miles+ goal.

As for my obstacle course/race, I’ve decided I’m not happy with what I have so far. It feels too much like some of my previous races, just with ice obstacles…and I want to be more creative with it. If I’m able to pull it off, the end result will be better. But unfortunately, this means it likely will not be done this week. And there probably won’t be a Friday Night Forest this week either. But once I do finish it, I’ll try to host a few FNFs in a row.

Rizzo’s Birthday

K.K. Slider was in town last night, and I asked him for a random song. He played K.K. Samba for me, Tybalt, Rizzo, and Apple.

K.K. Slider performs for Tybalt, Jeff, Rizzo, and Apple.

Today, Apple sent me a letter saying it’s important to be adventurous when it comes to fashion. As an example of such a bold fashion statement, she sent me…a paper bag.

As I began my daily chores around town (digging up fossils, catching snowflakes, etc.), I ended up breaking three tools (shovel, net, and axe) all within about a five or six minute span. Agghhh! It’s bad enough when any tool breaks, but when they break one after another, it’s really frustrating!

Today is a special occasion in Forest: It’s Rizzo’s birthday! So I attended his party, and Tia was also there for some reason.

Rizzo celebrates his birthday in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Happy birthday, ya filthy animal!

For his present, I gave him the paper bag from Apple. 😂 Unfortunately, he did not put it over his head.

Rizzo: A paper bag. Nice of you to bother, kiddo.
I hope this is your last birthday…at least in Forest.

When I spoke with Tia, she said that me being there made her glad that she didn’t miss the party. Is that a subtle hint that she doesn’t like Rizzo either? 😉 I’m going to take it that way regardless. 😛

Tia: Having you here makes me glad I didn't miss this birthday party!

In the western part of town, I ran into Wisp for the first time in weeks. He quickly expelled his five spirits.

Wisp appears to explode.

I began my search, and it took me about eight minutes to find all of his spirits. When I returned them to Wisp, he rewarded me with a sweetheart tank and shirt.

I shot down a balloon present and learned a DIY recipe for some iceberg flooring. I’m a bit floored that the winter recipe sets include several sets of wallpapers and carpets.

I worked on my winter/frozen race course for about an hour, and I made good progress. I have most of the obstacles planned out, although I still need to do a bit of crafting, testing, and fine-tuning in the coming days. I’m not even going to estimate what day it will be done, but don’t expect it until later in the week.

See you next time!

Wistful Painting

As soon as I started up the game today, I earned 3,000 Nook Miles for the Active Island Resident achievement: It’s for reaching my 300th day playing the game.

Jolly Redd sent me my wistful painting in the mail, and I quickly whisked it over to the museum. Blathers confirmed that it was the real deal. Even when I’m pretty sure a painting is real, I still get a bit nervous in those first few moments after handing Blathers the art. 😛

The wistful painting: Girl with a Pearl Earring - Johannes Vermeer, circa 1665 - Oil on canvas

Up near the campsite, I ran into C.J. He asked me to catch three big-time fish in a row to complete his seasports challenge. I saw a big fish shadow right there behind him, so I fished it out…and it was a big-time fish, alright! Quite a big deal, in fact: It was my first stringfish!

Jeff, catching a stringfish: OH MY GOSH!

I ran it over to the museum and made my 2nd donation of the day. Unfortunately, I still need ten more fish. I have not consulted a guide to see what I’m missing, but I have a feeling that many of them are early-day fish (since I rarely play in the morning or early afternoon). I’ll need to work on that in the coming weeks and months.

Anyway, I also caught a sturgeonfish and a dab to complete my fishing challenge. C.J. paid me 15,450 bells for them. I caught a few more fish, grabbed a few fish from storage, and returned to C.J. He informed me that fish can’t throw snowballs. Um… okay? 😕

C.J.: I look at it and say, Fish can't throw snowballs.

I sold him four more sturgeon, a pond smelt, a crucian carp, and a koi for 66,840 bells.

In the western part of town, I started removing Candy Cane Lane. Midge came over to talk, and she used her new catchphrase for me.

Midge: I'm going to try and catch myself a snowflake, for lunch.
Why just one? They’re zero calories, so eat as many as you want!

I shot down a balloon present and learned a DIY recipe for a snowflake wall.

I’m in the early stages of planning a new race for the western part of town. I’m not hosting Friday Night Forest this week, but perhaps I’ll have my new race ready for next week.