Bogus Art from Bones

Yesterday, Gullivarrr sent me a sea captain’s coat in the mail. I tried it on, and I like it better than the pirate outfit I was using before. So I made this my new pirate wand outfit.

My current pirate outfit.

When I visited Keaton, I saw that he’s been stacking fish! Not in his pockets, but in his house!

Two fish aquariums stacked in Keaton's house.

It reminded me of the early days when I had to stack my catches waiting for the museum to open up. 😛

Today, I was thrilled when Bones sent me a work of art (a solemn painting) in the mail! I was just thinking recently that he’s now my 2nd favorite villager on the island, behind Agent S.

Dear Jeff's brain, Do you like artsy stuff? 'Cause I found something real neat when I was cleaning. It made my brain think all kinds of weird thoughts just by staring at it! Isn't that cool? Now it's your turn! -Thinker Bones

Unfortunately, Blathers informed me that it’s a forgery. But it still helps me out, because I didn’t have a photo of the solemn painting in New Horizons yet. And now I’ll know what the fake looks like.

There was a camper at the campsite, Monique the snooty cat. Not only do I strongly dislike Monique due to our history on GameCube, but she recently moved into my ACCF town. So there’s no way I was going to invite her to move in. In fact, I’d rather be stuck with Rizzo than have Monique around!

Monique as a camper in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Midge asked for a new catchphrase to replace “with wings,” so I told her to say “for lunch” instead. She didn’t use it in a funny way yet, but I’ll be sure to include a screenshot when the time comes.

Hornsby wanted to move out of town. I grabbed him by the horn and told him he wasn’t going anywhere.

Fortunately, I got a second chance at a new painting today, because Jolly Redd was in town! He had a famous painting that was fake, a wistful painting that was real, a twinkling painting I wasn’t sure about, and a wild painting right half, which I also wasn’t sure about.

Jolly Redd's selection of art in ACNH.

As much as I’d like to have the twinkling painting (Van Gogh’s Starry Night), I went with the sure thing (the wistful painting). I’ll be receiving it in the mail tomorrow.

Visiting Quad Isle

Today, Xavier invited me over to his island Quad Isle because he had Celeste in town. So I flew there, where he also had another friend visiting. But she disconnected just seconds after I arrived. Xavier showed me around his island, and I just loved his ice cream parlor! So beautiful and colorful!

Xavier's beautiful ice cream parlor in Quad Isle.

Another area I liked a lot was his autumn-themed hideaway.

Xavier's autumn hideaway in Quad Isle.

We eventually spotted Celeste up on the cliff in the northeast corner of town. She taught me a DIY recipe for the Capricorn ornament.

We wrapped around the island, and I took a very quick nap in the butterfly garden.

The butterfly garden.

I stopped to wish on some shooting stars in Xavier’s all-flowers garden.

Xavier's all-flowers garden.

It’s a beautiful island! If you’d like to dream of Quad Isle, the dream address is 8553-7431-5104.

When I returned home to Forest, I found Gullivarrr washed up on the beach. I went diving to find his communicator, so he will be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

To my surprise, I also found Celeste on my island! But since she already gave me a recipe today in Quad Isle, she didn’t have another one for me.

Rizzo had a thought bubble above his head, and of course, it got my hopes up. But he just wanted a new greeting, not a new home. I didn’t even bother coming up with a greeting; I just want him dead. I mean, gone. 😛

Rizzo: You know what? The storm has passed anyway. My mind's a-sailing in clear waters now. I'm a rat!
Please go with the flow and sail away, sail away, sail away!

I spent most of my playing time in Forest cleaning up tons of new flower buds that resulted from the snowfall yesterday. 😛

See you all next time!

Bronze Fish Trophy

In a letter, C.J. congratulated me for accumulating 100 fishing tournament points.

Angler Jeff, You're makin' serious waves in the Fishing Tourney scene. You've caught 100 net points. You've caught everyone's attention. And now you've caught a slick trophy so show off! Congrats! Keep it reel! -Tourney Anchor C.J.

The bronze fish trophy was enclosed. I still have a looooong way to go before I earn the silver and gold trophies. But you gotta start somewhere, right? 🙂

The bronze fishing trophy in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I also received my weekly evaluation from the Happy Home Academy. The interesting thing is that they gave me a point deduction because my zodiac ox figurine is “placed facing a wall.” But it’s not facing a wall!

My ice room in ACNH.

At Able Sisters, I bought some white football pants to go with my football jersey.

K.K. Slider was in town, since he was bumped from his usual spot yesterday because of the fishing tournament. He performed King K.K. for me, Keaton, Agent S, and Bones.

K.K. Slider performs for Keaton, Jeff, Agent S, and Bones in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Keaton later asked me to deliver an item to Apple, and I agreed to help out. Before Apple opened the package, she asked me to guess if it contained clothing or furniture. I guessed clothing, and she opened it up: It was a raglan shirt. She then gave it directly to me.

Apple: And that prize is...the very same raglan shirt you just gave back to me!

That gave me New Leaf vibes, because that’s how many deliveries ended up on 3DS. At least she spared me the “I just ordered this item for you” lie. 😛

See you all next time!